[CAN] What is the Brolliance?

Day 898, 22:05 Published in Canada Canada by irishbhoy1967
What is Brolliance? What does it mean?

I often get asked what exactly the Brolliance is. Describing what the Brolliance is never seems easy. But something happened in my RL a few days ago.

On the eve of the CP elections my Brother left for Australia in RL, long-term, possibly for life. We grew up together, worked together, fought together. We were close. On his way to the airport he called to my house briefly to say goodbye. When I opened the door he just stood there, he didn't say anything and neither did I. We didn't need to. We just knew.

I think that pretty much sums up the Brolliance. It doesn't need words. It doesn't need a set of rules. We just know.

Love from Ireland Bros

We Just Know