[C4] Timbus' Barstool

Day 2,050, 03:49 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

✥ The following article was written for C4 by C4 Press Corps contributor Cpl. TimbusReven.

So for a while now I have been back in Erep. Lemme say first off that I love C4. the guys in this Mu that are active make it worth taking time every day to get on and give my howdys too.

Now for some srs business.

Victory over RGR, thats a joke I've heard many times before. I mean who thought that we'd be rid of him by taking a party. listen when i started playing he was pizza the hut now hes rgr and before he was Gen Cartman. Anyone who wants to claim that unity is gone is not only high but looking to fool us into voting for the next unity candidate. F that load of malarkey.

And what's all this about people thinking this is it. The eUS is never stronger than when wiped. Activity levels go up, we get more recruits daily and hold them longer, Wars come and go, But the fun they bring can hold people here for a long time. We are overdue for this overzealous attempt at our demise, success hinges on what COT does.

Which reminds me the last time i checked i haven't seen much help from COT, Don't let this drunk fool yah, all i'm saying is I haven't seen much help from them. Maybe i'm wrong, or perhaps they have some grand strategy of losing atrociously.

Now for a bit of fun. If possible I Timbus would like to run for regiment Captain next go around. Not a big deal, but im an anti establishment guy, so for me this is a huge step in a direction i was avoiding before. If elected I hope to get people excited in the game, My approach for this would be a Max approach, active people get my personal support, not so active just get a hello. Now dont get me wrong i have no bearings on MU support, Im just saying that active people would get help with things like weapons and money if i got the spare currency to do this.

Oh man enough of the boring dribble. Lets talk about the war. Were gonna lose if things keep going this way, but look at the possible mercenary opportunities, We’ll have access to the main players in TWO. and i have it on reliable knowledge that the irish have paid for merc support before, of course we could always follow the dio peeps and crusade for the PAKIS. I gotta be honest i like the idea of full on merc style.

Now wait a minute one last thought. Look guys now’s the best time to be active, the landscape is in a huge shakeup, people have a chance to climb, to make a name for themselves, to get noticed. This is the point in the game where some new names might make themselves known, Where someone might just steal the spotlight from the old guard. I like those ideas, now excuse me folks the scenes a bit fuzzy and i think the restroom is calling my name.

Regards and warm tidings
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