[C4] The Nightly News: First Edition

Day 2,075, 05:00 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

⇀ In this the inaugural edition of the Nightly News, my aim is to lightly touch on world and national events with the primary focus on the happenings within C4.

As you likely know, a second MU tournament began a couple of days ago. As of now, the consolidated eUS Military MU holds the top spot in the eUSA followed closely by Seal team 6 with Easy Company holding the third spot. The highest ranking US MU, eUS Mil MU, holds the 13th spot in the all important World Rankings.

The Admins also took the opportunity of the MU tournament to introduce Combat orders ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates/0/53 ) to the game. Some very intriguing possibilities in these changes. It all seems a little complicated on paper, so we’ll have to wait and see how they handle in real game situations.

✪ In national news it would appear that TWO’s stranglehold on the United States may finally be loosening. Two victories in New York and then Florida in quick succession has us on the map again and with an early lead in Alabama, we may not be done for the day. With the loss of Aquitaine and several RW’s in their European occupied territories, our activities will hopefully go unnoticed by the Serbs, giving us a chance to pry loose a few more states and build some much needed momentum.

✦ In this section, I’ll update you on the happenings within C4 over the past few days. Our first order of business is to welcome home one of our own. The late, great BeachBunny has returned from the dead (not to mention boot camp) to once again take up her mantle as the most badass Cannon Cocker and all-around sweetheart🙂

✦ Next, I’d like to remind you that if you wish to join an AIM MU to aid them in securing a Top 50 ranking, please move to the eUS Military MU:http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/group-show/3285 If you do choose to move to the eUS Military MU, you will receive full supplies from them in addition to your C4 commune supplies. You can receive eUS Mil supplies by joining #MU-Supplies or filling out this form: http://tinyurl.com/MU-Contest

✦ For newer players without avatars or uniforms, C4 has a new incentive program for you. Find a pic you’d like to use as your avatar, fill out this form correctly: http://tinyurl.com/by6qm9x and once you’ve received your uniformed avatar back, put it on and say hello in the Cocker’s feed to receive 25 q4 weapons from Neron. Putting on the C4 colors makes you eligible to work in the C4 communes and also to take part in our frequent feed giveaways.

✦ The most recent WRM donors were Dinnyin and Xpotion. o7 guys. As always, the unit relies on the contributions of it’s members to keep our supplies coming. To donate WRM, please fill out this form: http://tinyurl.com/C4WRMForm To date, our membership has donated an astonishing 894,078.23 WRM.

C4 Tip of the Day:

And that’s the way it is...