[C4] The Never Go Hungry Program: Reprint

Day 2,081, 05:30 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

(Reprinted from an earlier article) From our wonderful Mentor Program to the J.O.C. the growth and development of our members has always been a priority in C4. In that tradition, I am proud to announce our newest program aimed at helping our players grow and develop.

The Never Go Hungry Program will partially refund (supplies vary, so there will be no set amount or 'q' type) the food used to achieve your Daily Order of 25 kills. Only uniformed members who've done at least 25 kills on the previous day, and are planning on doing 25 kills the next day, will qualify for the program. This program was put together and will be run by Neron Trocki and Alastor DoUrden, so Please direct your o7's to those fine officers.

To request food, please fill out this form: http://tinyurl.com/C4-FoodDrive


Commanding Officer, C4