[C4] Our Circle Of Trust

Day 2,089, 12:51 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

* Note: the following article was written by C4 Press Corps writer and captain of the 7th Regiment, TimbusReven. The publishing of this article was delayed by the author suffering a rather serious leg injury. My hope is that this article still holds relevancy for the reader despite the passage of time and a subsequent change in administrations - Haselrig

→ Hi folks My name is TimbusReven on here. Now lately I have noticed a lack of information on our alliance COT. No one seems to know anything and those that do are tight lipped. Now a need for discretion is understood but could no one make a domestic paper and share a few things like hey so and so is in an intense struggle with so and so over some issues or some such? I know it wouldn’t be the best read ever and there would be so much black ink on some subjects you could sum it up in a simple saying. NOYFB.

Well I decided it was time to ask around. I sent out a good chunk of PMs with the hope of gathering not only opinions but also facts. Things that would reassure the people that this alliance is indeed the alliance we need to be in. I wish i could say on my grand ghost hunt i found promising signs. I wish this was the SCIFY channel and i had some BS people to throw out fake woohoos. But alas this is malarkey.

What I found was anyone who was in the know simply said, I can’t say , I don't have an opinion, Or my favorite. The silent treatment. Now people say well these people are busy. Well folks I doubt anyone is any more busy than our current CP Paul. Guess what he did respond back to me. Guess what he didn't have time but then after my last attempt at approaching him, He responded back apologizing for not getting to it the day before. This guy our CP thought that it was worth apologizing for being something that isn't all his fault. Being busy. So to start this article I would like to give a big thanks to anyone who got a PM from me and took the time to either talk or give me a no comment response. You people are what makes my Task bearable.The reason why i continued with this article.

Look I have lost my interest in this topic of the article. The fact is that the crap responses and the realization that some people showed me means i want to share the responses with you. I want to share with you something else. My realization on why this won't work at all.

My favorite responses? Well you’ll see for yourself.

This was my basic query to those I messaged. There was some difference at first but then I copy pasted. Trust me 50 messages or more of the same bloody crap can become quite a nuisance:

"I am looking for peoples opinions on COT. If you wouldn't mind sharing your views on the alliance and how you feel about how its doing that would be awesome.

This is for an Article if you do not wish for your views to be shared or known it is cool, Thanks for the time."


Good intentions only count for so much. We have some great allies in CoT, but at the end of the day we are not able to put up the kind of damage we need to in order to win key battles.

ME - Hmm, I think many would agree with you. Our alliance did poorly in this latest exchange.

Yes it did. If we are going to be in an alliance we need to have each other's backs. CoT doesn't seem to do that very well at all.

Ps The ghost and I had a great conversation.

Ghost of Tom Joad

TimbusReven to Ghost of Tom Joad

Sounds good. Hey another question. It seems like most people cant find much info about cot. How do you fair on this?

Ghost of Tom Joad to TimbusReven

I've only know what people write. Since Bruce Phallus, stopped doing WWR, it's been scarce.

TimbusReven to Ghost of Tom Joad

Yeah kinda creepy the lack of information available

Ghost of Tom Joad to TimbusReven

An article about alliances:

TimbusReven to Ghost of Tom Joad

interesting read.

Ghost of Tom Joad to TimbusReven

It has some perspective.

We had a convo about the alliance names and such but his help and this article showed me alot.

Ronald Gipper Reagan

I talked to RGR. His typical response was recieve😛

COT is a mixed bag. Those who help the eUSA elitists against us should form their own alliance, the 'Circle of Traitors'.... so I favor parts of CoT, and parts of it are garbage. It is not doing a good job because it is getting its clock cleaned all over the map.

Free area was Lame in this approach. My hopes for their perspectives was pretty much crushed. RGR responded with COT is BS and such and we should go to two. We did have a decent Conversation After this but that's private.

Free area let me down. After his awesome show of intellect and such his response was Along the lines of COT BLOWs and TWO ROCKS. Area if you read this, I hate you for letting me down. Out of anyone I PM’d you were my best hope for a diverse and decent response. Instead I received a 3 year old response to a 7 year old question. Thanks man Lost my respect.


Roper responded quite fast. His response was one that i found quite true:

We've been wiped, clearly CoT doesn't support its allies or non are strong enough to compete with TWO. Personally I like all in CoT but if your alliance fails to support you in a huge time of need then they aren't very good allies.
I like CoT for the most part but I thought the whole idea of a alliance was to help protect each other. I don't see that being both way atm so can't say I'm happy with current situation, that's not all on CoT of course.

my response to this:

This is understandable. Do you feel the public is kept apprised of our situations with cot?

Roper - No I don't man, I have to go looking for what little info I know and I'm a CO of this MU. Was former CO of eusaf Air Force so would expect I'd have contacts but nope lol

Let me say i was happy that with my limited resources I wasn't alone in this respect.


wingfield to TimbusReven

I feel that it was the wrong move but we had alienated old friends and might not have had much choice. That said, it has not actually done is much good.

TimbusReven to wingfield

Very true.it seems like weve left ourselves to be bullied because of this. Do you think we can find a better alliance, Perhaps Salvage COT. I know its annoying how this exchange is going.

wingfield to TimbusReven

Not sure either way. Our current leadership is prone to getting friendly with the mega-alliance people out of game and then telling us what is good for us. It helped cause the problem with our old allies. We need to see which countries are willing to talk on a "clean slate" basis and then agree to open and equal partnerships.

wingfield to TimbusReven

I'd like to be friends with the Greeks again, at any rate.

Wingfield i think the greeks were great too.

A fellow Cocker felt like i could use some more. I loved this:


Lurunin to TimbusReven

think i posted a thing before about these guys. i honestly believe they dp more harm than good for us currently. 40% of CoT was wiped when i last looked it up. of those 40%, only a select few are actually fighting and trying to be back on the map.

the rest don't help us in any way from the feeling of it. where have our supposed allies been when we got wiped? or when their other allies got wiped even. apathy is what caused this to happen and apathy is what will allow it to continue.
In order for the eUS to grow again, it will need to do one or both of the following imo:

1- ally with those who are currently unaligned (Brazil is currently the nation with the largest population and therefore, largest potential pool of fighters and economy. best part is they seem very friendly to CoT nations so much convincing may not be needed)

Thats my opinions section. Good bunch of gents to respond.

I pmed many others included in this bunch were some such as Josh Frost, SC, DerpHoof, Artela, Tenshibo, ect ect ect. I could list them all. Colbert and Frost both took the side of being in the current administration and not being able to comment. Ok i dig that. But then Why is it that most of these others many of whom are in positions just blow me off, or don't have an opinion, or my fave a PP and i Quote here said , I just like to kill servs.

Hell we all like to kill servs guys but if your a PP and you don't have a bloody opinion Maybe you should step down and go do the MU game like me. I don't have a serious opinion I dont keep up with all the Politics and such. So I don't do Politics. But hey Screw it no one wants to take a stance or risk their standing by stating what is said as opinions. People this isn't an official stance by these people They could change their minds by now. some of these are 2 or more weeks old. So dont go all buckwild THEY ARENT CONCRETE.

Fact is I saw the problem. Our government wont tell us anything. They want sheeple. Welp, I contribute to this so I cant call down the thunder and see the whirlwind. SC quote for you nerds.

I wanted to say this and end this Ramble.
My name is an anagram. if you haven't figured that out then figure it out. Its so simple that ill give a dead giveaway hint. Whats racecar??? PM if you still don't understand.

That's my philosophy, My way of life. The very way i think. Maybe its time we all changed for the better, Maybe we should have our own opinions. Maybe unity killed the Leaders of this country. Made them lazy like tenshibo. The guy was a ghost in most of his term. Paul at least is visible and A general nice guy.

So thank you Paul for your response, Thanks for showing me that not every Government guy is a pawn. and thanks for just taking the time to try to help my article out. Maybe if people acted more like you my article would have been more on the original target. Instead of an angry rant of a mad man.

My humblest Regards;

Timbus Reven.