[C4] Captains For August/September

Day 2,094, 15:45 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

➺ Captain time once again Cockers. I’d like to personally thank all of you who stepped up to help the unit. Very much appreciated. Once again, this will be a very stable transition as we have only one change at Captain. Big o7 to all who applied but were not selected.

Show your Captain some love and vote for him on the 15th:

1st Regiment - RegencyEra
2nd Regiment - AtomicGerbal
3rd Regiment - Sam Patriot
4th Regiment - ArtSBobo
5th Regiment - Xavier3
6th Regiment - Dalan Di Celes
7th Regiment - TimbusReven

First time Captains, please have your uniform updated by filling out this form:http://tinyurl.com/by6qm9x

✍ Haselrig
Commanding Officer, C4