[C4] Bodies for the Grinder

Day 2,028, 12:59 Published in USA USA by Haselrig

✥ The following article was written for C4 by C4 Press Corps contributor Cpl. TimbusReven.

Let's talk people. Sit down, relax and enjoy a beverage of your choice. I am here today to speak to you about recruitment.

Now let's calm down, I am not here to entice you with Wild Dreams. Oh no, not my style. Lemme lay it down in a basic way y'all. It is simple. My MU is C4, We here are a rowdy outfit, We like to rough house and beat the snot out of the enemies. Don't lemme be too modest, after all at C4 you can do what you want when you want.

I got a few main points. The attraction of C4 if you will.

1 - were down to earth. Now you are thinking I ain't here for that. Well I've been in all kinds of MU’s some are better than others. C4 has an awesome crew. They are friendly, got knowledge on the game. And best of all they don't mind talking to yah. For a lot of people this doesn't become a factor until you realise that if you wanna do more than a 2 click tick, You gotta have people who are fun to play with.

2 - C4 has a major plus of being a group where you can move up. Its based on your merits. If you come in sign up for our mentor program. Work well enough you can become an officer. Now look being an active participant and doing administrative duties are not for everyone, So don't freak out and quit reading now. Here at C4 it’s not required to have a bunch of chores. This group here is perfect for a slacker like myself. I work all day, come home and get on for a bit. My favorite part, the guys here are awesome. They support us and don't complain at all. Now I put in my part, I fight and now I write as well, Cause someones gotta be here to brain wash.... I mean supply good intel in written form to y'all.

3 - C4 does supply members, Only catch is for the main supplies that are offered you gotta work in the communes. But don't fret y'all, They give us as much as they can, And if you are active some guys here will give you more. C4 isn't just a chain of command. We are a group of decent individuals, we support each other. A band of brothers if you will.

4 - C4 is not political, Don't mistake this for being anti political, Hell we got all different kinds here. The thing is when you join C4 you're not joining a political group as well. We are here to fight, we are not here to make you vote for anyone. You are your own political adviser and decision maker. But that doesn't mean C4 members are not gonna attempt to sway you their way. This group has individual freedoms, one of them being expressing themselves in a very friendly manner.

5 - WE HAVE FUN, look guys I'd be a liar if I didn't say my favorite person in C4 is the one who recruited me, Haselrig. Now you're going hows knowing the guy in charge fun. Well me and the CO talk. We discuss all sorts of things. Its not business, its pleasure. I love it that way. My slave driving press director Dauntless is an awesome guy too. (I’m just kidding he's not a slave driver).
Look C4 is an MU we are organized. We are here and if you want, you can be too. The Cannon Cockers are vicious, We do what we can, Best of all we don't take orders, We make our own.

Join us, Gimme a shout, I am around daily. And I am always down to talk to a fellow, help a new guy out, or if I got 'em and you need 'em, I don't mind spreading the supplies. We here at C4 would like to invite you to our group, Our house is your house. Come and see what it is to be a Cannon Cocker.

Regards fellow ERepers
Timbus Reven

A Message from C4 -

The Cannon Cockers are an independent military unit dedicated to defending the eUS against her enemies. The cost of this independence is a lack of support funding, especially after the closing of OMS. C4‘s unit supplies have been stressed by the war against Serbia. Any donation of RM's, food, weapons or USD would be greatly appreciated. Please contact our Unit commander Haselrig, one of our XO's or one of our Regiment Captains if you would like to help. Thank you and o7.

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AtomicGerbal’s The Ham Sandwich: http://tinyurl.com/mpmmsqf
Neron Trocki’s Cannon Cocker Chronicles: http://tinyurl.com/bocd2sn
ArtSBobo’s Cannon News: http://tinyurl.com/m3cgd2s
HEARMERWAR’s The Frontline News: http://tinyurl.com/n84aejz
Dauntless2000’s Spirit of Fire: Logs: http://tinyurl.com/lv4l23e