Day 1,229, 07:32 Published in Philippines USA by Jude Connors

Today's Music: Cat Power - Maybe Not

As stated in my last article, I have been working on a plan known as HORIZONSUN. Part of the plan was a way to get more exposure to media articles that help out the citizenry of the ePhilippines, known as the Bureau of Communications Services, which I want to create as a sub-department of a new Commission on Information and Communications Technology.

It is not an official government department (not yet anyway), but I am going to go ahead and get it going as a private endeavor. So today, I introduce the first article of the BCS.


- In Math Is Sexy, the President of the Philippines, Aren Perry, talks about the New Military Module and speculating strategy in this article.
- The ePH House of Representatives provides an update of Congressional business in the Speaker's Voice.

- Tracey Mendoza releases Issue #1 of The Official Paper of Tracey Mendoza Foundation.

- Welcome my good friend some guy, Kyle321n, who wrote A letter to a new lover then announced his intentions for CP in his paper, Fightin' 'round the World!

- Lastly, let me pimp out my last article, A New Horizon, which I laid out just some of my plans to help the ePhilippines. Please subscribe to my paper, Jude's Journal; as I am one a quest to one day have a Medial Mogul medal. In addition, Jude's Journal will be the home of the BCS (Bureau of Communications Services) articles... at least temporarily.

If anyone has an org that they believe would serve as a better home to this paper, please send me a message.

Think you wrote an informative article or did you read one you think everyone should see? Submit an article to the Bureau of Communications Services by clicking here.

This will give newcomers to the ePhilippines a list of helpful and noteworthy news articles.

COMING SOON - A program to help new eFilipinos.

I have come to the ePhilippines to reinvigorate my eLife here as a member of this community and make this nation better.
Jude Connors