Сърбия и Унгария официално напуснаха Феникс.+ЕДИТ

Day 1,135, 15:01 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Greevas

Пускам статията в един през нощта така, че ме извинете за липсата на преводи.

Статията на унгарското правителство.

Статията на сръбското правителство.

В общи линии казват че всички са станали е**си егоистите и всеки си правил квот си иска и затова напускат.

Айде малък ЕДИТ да направя, че смешна става статията.

Official announcement from the eHungarian Government

Hereby we officially declare that eHungary quits the Phoenix alliance. The alliance has reached a point, where it is no more capable of accomplishing its original goals. In our opinion, the alliance is technically dead. The Phoenix grew way too large and their members cannot communicate with each other like a year ago, at the creation of Phoenix. The many open fronts and the losses on them justly made the members think, that they are basically on their own. This problem could be traced back to the fact, that some countries rarely did the effort to support their allies.

Преди повече ни кефехте като си говорихме,много се застояхме заедно време е за развод,почнахте много да си гледате собствения интерес.

In the past months, the members followed a somewhat egocentric strategy - even if in different ways. While some of them spent big money, when it was not really necessary, others were inactive and tried to build up reserves. The policy of most members was to survive and vegetate using least money possible.

Много сте гадни що харчите за собствените си държави повече от колкото за съюза.

The Phoenix is now like a dying whale, too heavy and tired to move. However, we don’t want to cut any military and diplomatic ties with allied countries, but we don’t need the frame of the Phoenix any more. Simultaneously with this declaration, the eSerbian government makes its own, revealing a similar eSerbian move. Thus, two of its founder members and the two most powerful countries leave the alliance. We will maintain the good relationships with the countries we supported in the Phoenix, however we claim the right to seek new roads, challenges and new friends.

Ех ся няма да се прецакваме.Със Сърбите се разбрахме заедно да се чупим ама и вас няма да ви забравим лесно,комшии сме познаваме се с някои от вас пак ще играем на CS.

Meanwhile, talks have been started with eMacedonia and eTurkey about a tighter cooperation, with a better controlled military and closer areas of interests. eHungary does not want to operate outside of any alliance, however we don’t want to stay in the Phoenix in its present form.

Турците и македонците много се любят едни други и искаме да ни любят и нас така.Затва ще сме с тях майната ви на останалите.

Чък Норис е доволен от разпадането на Феникс и вотна статията,а ти?