You missed me? (more randomness!!!)

Day 602, 15:20 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Ok guys let's get this down. I hope you all missed me and my randomness. I just want to say I would've already printed my article if it wasn't that it DIDN'T PUBLISH.

Oy...but now I can write even more now. Let's talk.

Starting in 5...4...3...2...1...........

'-.- ok...


I need to get my clock fixed...

20 hours later...

Ok, I'm back, though the clock is slow...


Ok! And now let's talk.
DISCALIMER: Today is bad humor day.

Ok so if anyone knows me, I like playing the board game diplomacy.

I actually won! (but as England which is weird cuz I play as Italy a lot athough statistically it loses most of the time)

I won with:

All of England(duh), Scandanavia( woot! take that backstabbing germany), Netherlands (hoorah! reminds me or WW2 where english people tried to take belguim back from the nazis), St. Petersburg(russia did little to stop me there), France (took him OVER), the Iberian Penisula (Spain and Portugal FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW, LEARN YOUR HISTORY!)😛

and Tunisia and All of Germany (TAKE THAT!)

And so I won epically.

I also was watching AOSTH these days (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog). Yessiree there's nothing like a good ol cel by cel animated slapstick comedy show. It was a little babyish, but who cares, Sonic RULZ.

(too slow!)

And now what else is there to talk about...oh yes...RUSSIA ATTACKED ALASKA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

WHERE DID THIS COME FROM? You know I actually looked on a map and I realized they are like really close to each other. I do have a question though. WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU?

I bet you there's a communist insurgency that's causing all this 😛 just kidding.

But really, isn't there anyway to solve this problem nicely?

Wow, I am so bored and am tired or trying to write the same article 3 times. No matter.

THIs ArTIcuhL IS aspHELliing TrAghuDEE.

Ha! Did not expect that piece of randomness did you?

Wait, if that was random, how can you expect something random, because I did say this was a random article, s how can you expect a certain type of randomness....





and now my clock is going way to fast...russia is now again the ussr, and we're in a nuclear war. better get into my bomb shelter.


Yeah, Uh, No hard feelings? My stupidity is the least of your worries right now anyway. Bye!

*slams steel door*


(what was that? if you hated this article and have suffered the effects of stupiditizingness, mail me, and i will recompensate you for your loss of brain mass. that is if you are alive from the nuclear war by then.)