Why the Union of Patriots and why Enriche2Ribeiro

Day 1,575, 20:40 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

Well the Union of Patriots, who are we? There have been loads of articles with talk about of all the great parties within this eNation. The question will always be who to choose to join? Well I say join UP! Why?

We don’t have the history of IA. We don’t have the reputation of OOPs and the PSU. But as the newest party in eSA we are constantly making strives to become the best political party. When Wilpanzer and I took over the National Union it only had 8 members and was in the bottom 2 parties in this great nation. Within in a week we were standing at 30 members. We then stabilised at around 25 members in the first month. But look today as we securely hold the number 3 spot we looks towards number 2. But why has UP enjoyed such growth?

We cater for the new player, give meaning to the medium level player and respect our older players. Giving opportunities across the board to all level of player, UP has a reputation of getting new players into congress. We have also increased our congress seats with each election.

UP Rocks! Well why should you vote for me as Party President? Well there are still things that I am putting into place that will hopefully help players to get involved. What is he putting in place? Glad you asked.

We are currently forming a structure within UP to enable players, access to a meaningful party and gaining some experience in politics. We will also be looking at getting the shadow program off the ground again, which will allow players to become familiar with all the various roles in eSA as they shadow other players. We are also busy implementing strategy to get more players to join UP. Most importantly we want to get players talking and interacting. Hopefully creating and giving them reason to fight and be part of something and slowly become more active.

So join UP today and vote for Enriche2Ribeiro.

Thanks Ricky
Current PP for UP.