Why I support the UKRP

Day 311, 12:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, it's time again for me to open my mouth, in a biased manner and present why I support the UKRP, and it's candidate for President, Rayf Drayson.

1. Open Party Lines: In the UKRP we are open to all people, new and old, so long as they present ideals and contribute. Our core group, including three ex-Presidents (one on vacation), our Party President, and even our members in Commons are all active and bright. We represent all ends of the spectrum, from Center to Right and are willing to listen to any idea.

2. In the UKRP, we're not afraid to voice our opinions. Whether we agree or not, we're not afraid to be loud, whether we disagree with someone who's isnt and in some cases in our own party. We dont all represent the same ideals.

3. Activity Base😛 Our party is largely based on activity. If you're active within the Party, then we are more than willing to reward and afford someone more opportunity. As we've said, we listen to someone whether they're "just off the boat" in the eUK or well established.

Overall, I feel that our Party, our candidate, and our willingness to adapt to whatever changes come about are the best suited to lead the UK into the era of V1, with the emergence of Raw Materials, abolishment of Mayors, changes to business and military, all of those things are going to require flexible people who can think quickly and make sound, rational decisions.

In closing, that's us.

Vehement UKRP Supporter