What we learned the day after Election Day

Day 1,021, 10:11 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
OMG, there are a lot of multis in this game.

The final results of many elections around the world were changed, including in the USA. When I went to sleep and wrote my now outdated article last night, it looked like Cromstar had won 480-449. Now, after the admins took out all the illegal votes on both sides, the final tally is 407-401 for Krems.

Amazing. To top it off, the real candidate in Australia has won, our allies' President is no longer PTOed, an important first step to taking their country back.

We've always suspected there were lots of mutlis and robots in this game, but it's staggering to see such obvious proof. I'm glad the admins intervened, but they better do this every month. If not, we'll have a real problem on our hands. I don't blame either Cromstar or Krems directly for the illegal multi/robot votes they received, it was probably some overzealous supporters.

Krems did well for us last month. Here's hoping he continues to lead us well in September.