What we learned on Election Day

Day 1,021, 00:36 Published in USA USA by ligtreb
EDIT: The original article is now outdated

The admins intervened around the world, taking away illegal votes from multi-accounts. Krems is now the winner in the USA by 6 votes.

I wrote an update to this article, but am leaving the original below for historical purposes


First, I want to congratulate Cromstar on his election to President of the United States. Cromstar is a long-time friend of mine and I'm confident he will do well as President. He's well-qualifed and has the right temperament for the job.

That being said -- I have not been more surprised at the result of an election in a long time. I expected Krems to win easily. Most of the active citizens I know expected Krems to win easily. And why not?

Krems was president during successful military campaigns into Russia.
Krems had the advantage of incumbency.
Our economy grew under Krems, as was found by Congressional Budget Office Director Dr. Tango

How could Krems not win?

Well, we learned three things on election day:

1) You have to campaign to win, no matter how successful a president/candidate is
2) Party endorsements matter
3) Pizza the Hut got a much higher total of votes than is comfortable


A plurality of the country either didn't see the accomplishments that happened under Krems' presidency, didn't care or thought Cromstar can do better. I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but these are the facts.

A plurality of the country wanted to see campaigning and Cromstar campaigned a ton. He wrote often, got his name out there, advertised and worked on party endorsements (more on those later).

Cromstar did everything a Presidential candidate should do. Krems did not. I saw no campaigning from Krems or his staff, while I received personal messages and saw forum posts and articles in support of Cromstar daily.

The country has spoken: Campaigning matters. Cromstar successfully convinced a pluarility of the country he is the better candidate, and thus deserves to be our President. I look forward to seeing him in action this month.

Every future Presidential candidate should take note: No matter how awesome you are, you have to campaign to win. No exceptions, not even incumbents.


Another contributing factor to Cromstar's big upset was party endorsements.

3 of the Top 5 parties in the country backed Cromstar
2 of the Top 5 parties in the country backed Krems.
Cromstar won narrowly.

Outside of his own party (SEES), Krems was only able to win the Federalist endorsement. Cromstar worked hard at winning party endorsements, spending lots of time in the IRC rooms and forums of the USWP, UIP and ADTP. It paid off, clearly.

In the past, Presidents were able win by overcoming more party endorsements. I know this firsthand, when I became Vice President under Chocolate McSkittles, the largest party in the country (the APF) endorsed Colin Lantrip. Choc and I won anyway.

Now, I'm not so sure. Party endorsements are important. Every party member should register on their party's forums and vote in their Presidential Primary. Each Top 5 party had low turnout in their primaries, we see now they are extremely important.

Every future Presidential candidate should work hard at winning party endorsements.


He got nearly 200 votes. This is unacceptable, read some of my old articles for info why. The tl;dr version: Pizza the Hut has approved the citizenship requests for dozens of Phoenix members who have a history of fighting against America.

I fear that as our active population continues to decrease, there's a real chance that Pizza the Hut could not only get his party into the Top 5, but he can win the Presidency and get his anti-American sympathizers a majority in Congress.

This is a real problem folks. One that can't be ignored. Never underestimate him, there's a reason why our CIA has named Pizza the Hut the #1 threat to America.


Thank you all for reading, it is greatly appreciated.