Wedding Plans - The Outline

Day 377, 17:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, as an update to our upcoming wedding, here's a small snippet of what we can expect for a Wedding Party and Reception.

We've both got quite a few friends in Erepublik, both new and old. Most of those friends, who range from all sides of the political line, have announced they'd attend the wedding. I have chosen three of my oldest friends as Best Men.

The first, my oldest and closest friend in Erepublik, US President Benn Dover. Benn and I have been friends from the darkest yet lightest days in Erepublik. There was so much to do then, as we did not have the luxury of a functioning Government as many of you have. We had to come up with that ourselves, and with the help of people around the world, such as Kaleb, Korbin, Platonic, Isnuwardana, and even Dio Brando himself, we set up what you, as younger citizens enjoy as "Government". Benn and I worked closely together, and became friends. To this day he's only one of two people who can actually reach me if I'm not "here", and I am honoured to have him as the Best Man.

The second, was a main principle in our original PANAM treaty. Bunaly, a Brazilian General and former President, will be the second Best Man. Bunaly, myself, Dhoo from Mexico, Jesus Hernandez, Radon, and a few others (including a few Canadians, although due to circumstances between the US and Canada they were not in PANAM, such as Banach and Antonio Fonti) were principles in the PANAM, which was, at the time, the third power to match the Northern Alliance and FIST. I've known Bunaly almost my entire time here, and it's an honour to have him travel all the way from Brazil to attend, even in this time of duress between our countries.

And lastly, the third is one of my closer friends from the UK. I may have known Kaleb, Paddy, Widds, and many others a bit longer, Relic and I have been in close contact for almost 6 months now. He had even considered moving to the US at a point, but stayed here when I announced I was moving here after my terms in the US were over with.

And to announce our Reverend, I am pleased to announce that Dnouser has accepted the invitation to be the official at the wedding. The three of us have been together for as long as I can remember, and it's an honor to be eMarried by such a good friend.

As for the other wedding details, here you go:

Colors will be Royal Blue Uni's for the guys. Any Paratrooper will receive an extra gift, of course. For the ladies, Green will be your color. We shall be married at 10 PM GMT (2 PM Erep Time) on Day 382. Each Best Man as well as the Reverend will have a speech to give.

There will be dignitaries such as Zhuge Liang and Meiko attending, so wear your best as there will be International coverage. We intend on the ceremony lasting roughly 1 hour, and who knows how long the Wedding Party will be.

Food has yet to be decided. Daphne seems stuck on making her own, while I prefer to be catered with Nachos (all the fixings included). We'll see how that battle turns out. There is no theme to the wedding, and the DJ will be none other than George Lemnaru himself (sorry George, couldnt resist). I would also like to invite Widds, Tim, and the other Aussie population if they're not too busy.

As it stands the wedding will be in article format, so if you have anything to say PM me or Daph. If we change our mind, it will most likely be held either in my chat or the US IRC.

In the Works

Now, a little business for you.

Spain vs Portugal

There have been several International incidents to speak of lately. Spain has continued it's march to Lisbon, and free'd Campeche from Portugal. As far as the war itself, the UK is not directly involved since it's an aggressive action. We've chosen instead to protect Argentina in case of attack.


The recent theft of 1800 Gold from the Slovenian treasury by Indonesians has brought something to our attention. No longer does someone have to gain the Presidency to steal all the money out of a treasury due to the "Donation" proposal available to all Congressmen. All they have to do is have more than 50% of Congress. They moved people to Slovenia and won 21 seats in the elections, and effectively killed what was an inactive country.

Them being inactive is rather beyond the point. The Slovenians fought for some time, and basically did what Croatia did to South Africa when they ruled Austria for a few months, to have their own country. They should have had a fair shot, but the new Congressional rules in V1 combined with the Indonesian's dirty tactics which they have now pulled in three countries has brought me to a conclusion:

I have proposed to the admins, in a full proposal that there's a team of people set to each new country to prevent a political takeover. These people would be experienced in Government, Military, Economics, and so on, and assist them in setting up their country while protecting their treasury to give them a fair shot. There's going to be little to no point in introducing a bunch of countries if the Indonesians are going to simply steal the Gold, and therefore the ability of the country to function in it's early stages. I will keep you updated on the proposal, and I hope it's implemented. We're becoming more diverse, and the Indonesians are just playing dirtier and dirtier.

Brazil/Indonesia vs Argentina

Still waiting on either country to actually attack. We're in position, whether our MPP activates or not.


Prime Minister of the UK