We must prepare

Day 2,849, 21:42 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Galloglaigh

Hello Pakistan,

I was with you every step of the way during the recent Liberation of the country even though I was traveling abroad. I attained freedom fighter flags for all four battles. But now comes the time when we must prepare ourselves for the future.

One thing that comes to mind is starting a Liberation war here, I have the funds to do it. Why you may ask? A Dictator only has 50% of Congress's citizenship pass's. If we Liberate the Country Pakistan can grow its population faster.

Another thing that comes to mind is that we need to spend more money on making a stronger Alliance list. There are many Countries out there that would Ally us I think and we should do it now before another Airstrike or similar war comes our way.

Lastly, we need to come together more on IRC and Forums.

Too help us stay active here if you take my job offers and you hold Pakistani citizenship I will increase your pay to 80 PKR the next time I log in to the game.