We're no strangers to love

Day 2,127, 09:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Hey Comrades,

Now you guys know I’m not one to rub it in my competitors faces when I finally win something and I’m not going to break a habit of a lifetime.

My main aim this term is to bring back a few competitions to get us all into the christmas spirit. So from this tuesday I shall be setting up a large competition that will host loads of tiny games, that will be played throughout the month. Basically, I am bringing back the Olympic games that Acroc start 3 months ago; but I will be rebranding it. Here is the link for that article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/you-know-the-rules-and-so-do-i-pcp-comp--2319267/1/20

My secondary aim is to improve the education process for newer members. So from wednesday, I shall be creating an inter-party ambassadors group for those who have shown potential and are likely candidates for future leaders. These comrades will have the responsibility of improving relations between PCP and their assigned party. This involves creating games between the two parties and learning from/about the party and how it operates. tl;dr I need some lackies and they are the most vulnerable 😛

My last major aim is to re-introduce a more roleplay feel to PCP. Although there are a few ideas that have come to me, I don’t wish to enact them without the consent of the majority. So I will create Gdoc to get the overall opinion. Now I have only studied Russian Communism, therefore I can only make the roleplay feel Russian, if you have some knowledge about communism in other countries and wish to bring forth some ideas on how this can be implemented that would be great.

In other news…

I am planning a party meeting (aka Rexs Pool Party 😃) for next thursday to organise everything and get the census on what people believe is the best strategy to deal with the congress and CP elections. To make sure that this date is fine, I will type up a survey on a Gdoc (in the same survey as the roleplay bit) and see who will be busy that day, if that day is just generally a bad day for the majority and if so, produce ideas on which day would be better.

I might not get around to doing everything I plan on doing, but hey #yolo right?

How my term will go 😛

Also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7fnlJ60RO8