
Day 455, 01:05 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck

I have wanted write article but erepublik deleted it and I moron have forgot back up it. It was beautiful long article stating my position about wartime and my conception of Czech Republic participation there, with many arguments but its simply losted and I have not longer aspiration to rewrite it, and nor time because tomorrow I have exam, so this is only some summary in English.

I want state that I am so far againist any participation of our citizens in war abroad and I havent, officially or non-officialy, supported their war trips. It harms our economy and political participation. War has its benefits, our citizens should know how fight and should get achievements. Because it I wanted organize war trips. We are waiting for war where:
-we have interest
-we should participate on side of freeedom fighters in resistance wars
-we should cut expenses
-we have approval

At least three points should be fulfilled to make our participation. For example we are now waiting for Indonesian approval to participate in Australian resistance war.

But why I am posting my position and not order to not participate in individual actions? Why I have accepted decisions of citizens who asked me if they should participate? Because its their choice. We have many young impatient citizens who want participate in war on own costs. And I dont want make from Czech army or from the Czech Republic place where they cant fullfill their aspirations. Of course soldiers who have already fighted dont need Czech supplies on planned training missions, because they have already all benefits for country and for them it should be optional. They should be prepared defend Czech Republic and defend its interest, way how they will do it should be respected.

I am planning write some my recommendation how citizens should behave to benefit country in future, but I will not say to citizens what they have to do.