War News and Other Domestic Announcements

Day 384, 00:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

For starters, some news on the war:

We're currently 14 hours from possibly securing Lower Normandy. They have built the wall to 7200, which is a tad bit impressive considering most of the French ran away, leaving Brazil and Portugal to do their fighting for them.

I figured they would, at some point, but we'll attack soon.

On the other front, our hospitals aren't working. Even the newest hospital, which is in the North East, and is Q4, is not working either. From what I have seen it's hit or miss around the world, but seems to have affected all our wellness. I am openly stating here and now to George, Alexis, and the rest of the team, that once this is over the United Kingdom rightfully deserves it's wellness restored. We are going on 12 hours fighting with minimal wellness and buying wellness packs to heal, considering we can't use the hospitals we've spent 40K GBP over 10 months on.

To residents and citizens, do not fear. We had also figured in they would defend against us first and foremost due to their RL contempt of the UK. Let's face it, most French don't like the English and vice versa. Of all people to defend, we knew they wouldnt back down easy.

Well, at least they sent their friends to play. They all went to hide.

I am also going to say one small thing about the war: To those who have openly spoken out against it, I understand and respect you're decision, however, this was a majority decision by the House of Commons, to which I also carry no vote. Normally I wouldn't name anyone, but even the PCP's elected body within Commons voted in Majority favor. It's our time to Unite for the sake of growth and development, and it pains me to see those who continually drive stakes of distance between us.

Now, onto Domestic Issues:

Ministerial positions are still open. I have received apps from a few people, and I will announce now those who I've chosen to fill various positions:

Minister of Defence: Funky44

Funky is the only person in the position with the experience, and we are hoping to have him into the House of Lords soon. He has served a couple terms as UMoD, and recently a short time as the MoD in place of Deilos. Other accomplishments of his were that he commanded the Elites, has served in and ran the Ministry of Trade, and been a damn good Para.

Minister of Finance: Rayf Drayson

There was no reason to change someone who is as active and intelligent as Rayf for this role. Rayf has also stepped up to take on the role of Reserves CO (hint, if anyone has questions he's your boss) due to CBall's untimely departure.

Minister of Education: StanWephen

Another position there was little need to look at replacing. Stan's done an outstanding job with this Ministry since it's creation, and I hope he sees it through to a completely functional University for our eUK team to utilize.

Minister of Trade:

This was actually tough, since Funky is the MoD. I've gone out on a limb based on an entry interview I had with one of our young Congressmen and they way he represented himself. I really like the way he can communicate his positions, and seems to have some ideas to present. I feel that this is best Ministry to place him in as the other one was full, but I think he'll do well all the same.

So, I am pleased to introduce Draaglom as the Minister of Trade. I expect Draaglom will be working closely with the Minister's of Work to both maintain a solid domestic employment rate, foreign trade rate (we fluctuate. One week we'll be well over 2X exports then the next week our imports are huge, mostly due to our RM scheme). I look forward to addressing with Draaglom what I'd like him to see and know, and then we'll get down to work.

Minister of Work (two positions):

This last term has proven one thing, especially to me about the Ministry of Work. It's extremely tedious and time consuming when done correctly. While I have no doubt that Keitarour is an excellent Minister and has served well in the past, with our population exceeding what it is, I feel it's necessary to add a couple more people to this Ministry. They need to be trustworthy with money, which they both are, and intelligent enough to spot problems.

So, for that I am keeping two separate Ministers of Work. They are Keitarour, the incumbent, and announcing (drum roll) Bob Boblo, who's been an Apprentice for a little while now, as his Co-Minister. Bob will have a few outside duties, but both are very trustworthy which is necessary in a Ministry which handles well over 3000 GBP per week (rough estimate) to employ younger citizens. They will both ensure that jobs are always available in weak industries, and one of Bob's duties will be to co-run the SBA with Deathtoll.

Minister of Information:

Well, you all know I am a nut about keeping things organised (for the most part). A while back, a good friend of mine who's similar to me came to join me and has worked hard as an apprentice to the MoI (shortly, just before Hassan resigned), the MoD, and the SBA. He has worked in places like NationStates running Governmental committees, written constitutions, and so on. I feel that at the moment, he's the best qualified to run this Ministry as I just no longer have the time (and I feel it's important to not carry so many positions).

So Dnouser will be taking this position over. As I understand it, he will taking on Mr. Clifford James, who runs the Clarion Times, an up and coming newspaper on the Commons and market as an apprentice, which I think is a good fit.

So cheers to him.

Minister of Health:

JerryGFL will be continuing his role as Minister of Health, but I strongly urge Jerry not only to take on an UMoH, but more people in his system. I believe it was Palogidon that wanted to work in this Ministry as well, which I think Jerry would be ecstatic to have the hel. Anyone looking to help should apply with the MoH for the following reasons:

1. With hospitals not working it's going to severly affect our production. While the dev team might restore wellness due to the problems that they've caused, I highly doubt they're going to compensate for our productivity loss.
2. The new GM scheme has been passed and needs set up. Jerry will need help in both setting it up and carrying it out.

So, please contact JerryGFL directly if you'd like to help out.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Another position that we didnt need to change, Squiddy is knowledgeable in all the areas of our FA team and the things we're going through at the moment.

I am still taking applications for the following Ministries:

Ministry of Minorities: RonaldChris had held this position for some time, but I have not received an application for it, so I'm not sure if he's interested in it.
Ministry of Tech Advancement: Still open
Ministry of Migration and Support: Still open

Remember, we dont want to be where we were last month with a bunch of open Ministries. If people want to complain about someone not doing their job, then step up. I count 30 Congressmen who havent applied for anything yet.

To anyone who had cabinet access before, including Apprentices, UMs, and Ministers: I have removed everyone's access except those who were chosen for new Ministries. You MUST PM or post your personnel to get them cleared back into the cabinet.

Cheers, and happy hunting out there.

Prime Minister