Vote Smart

Day 916, 12:16 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

Congress is often criticized for being ineffective or inactive, and there was some validity to that this month.

There is a way you can help fix it though. And you should do it because Congress is important.

Vote Smart.

All of us should be living in Karnataka, California or Florida, but 95% (56 of 59) of our congressmen will come from regions without a hospital.

I encourage you to find your favorite candidate in a non-hospital state, ask him or her for free moving tickets and gifts, and vote for them. Note: If there are any PTO (Political Take Over) threats from foreign enemies, vote against them before you vote for your favorite candidate.

Look at the results from last month's election. 2/3 of our Congress was elected with fewer than 10 votes, 1/3 were elected with 5 or fewer votes.

Your vote will make a difference in those races.

Before the end of today, each party should have some kind of list with their endorsed candidates (I'll update this article when I find them -- parties, feel free to provide a link). Update: Here's the Federalist Party candidates.

Yes, it takes some effort to move to a different state to vote, but it shouldn't cost you anything -- any smart party will have a stockpile of moving tickets and gifts to give to voters to vote for their candidates.

Congress is more important than people realize.

Congress' in-game functions are crucial to the security of this nation. Without a steady stream of donations to the Congressional Budget Office, we could not fund our military. Without Issuing Money, our ability to make money would be hampered and we would not have a stable peg. If our economy changes, only Congress has the power to change our taxes, change the minimum wage or change the new citizen fee.

The game also gives Congress the responsibility of a check on the President. Not just impeachment (which should be done lightly since it can only be proposed once every seven days), but Congress also must approve of several actions taken by the Presidenct, including MPPs (Mutual Protection Pacts), War declarations, Peace proposals, new construction of hospitals/defense systems and new citizen messages. We often overlook these in-game Congressional functions as routine, but they are extremely important for the future of the country.

Just as important, there's also all the things Congress does outside of the game, mostly on the eUS forum. There Congress sets the budget, edits our Constitution, provides other checks on the other parts of government (Executive Branch, military, Directors of the Congressional Budget Office), and works on various other projects. There's almost no limit to what Congress can do if they wanted.

Congresses are often inactive or ineffective, but they have a lot more power than they realize. Vote smart to make sure we have the best Congress we can get.

For more detail on what Congress does, this article I wrote a few months ago still mostly applies.