Vote for someone else

Day 248, 19:59 Published in Sweden Sweden by Algaroth

This article will be different from my previous ones in the way that I'll start out by admitting I am drunk as hell. I realize the name of the article might confuse you. You're probably thinking "surely he wants us to vote for him", and you're right, to a certain degree, I do. But some of you, as soon as the war is over, you will go back to pissing and moaning over everything congress does and doesn't do (in your humble opinion).

Still, the same people who cry and moan all over with their melodramatic articles, whether it be about war (for or against) or just FBS in general, I don't see those people making any prints on or do anything for their political party at all.

It's easy to critisize when you don't do anything. You can sit there on the sidelines all you want and bitch about how we don't do what you want. Many of you cried for war like a bunch of drunk kindergartners and now that you have it, not one of you have showed a box of wet hair worth of appreciation.

Anyone in congress, no matter what party knows that guys like Flammbar, Betamjau, Misho, The Herminator, St00r, Ziggyzag and Cinc for instance, have done a lot for this country recently. I know, and they know, that so have I. No matter what. I'll admit that I haven't been at the front of the war as much as I could, but sometimes things happen IRL that you can't controll. It happens to everyone in congress. Yet we still do more than most of the critics combined.

If you can't do more for this country than whine about how you don't like the way it's being led, either move, get political or vote for someone else. Personally, I don't want the vote of some lazy pissant who won't pull their own straw to the anthill.