Vice Presidential Talk-back #4

Day 1,293, 17:59 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Oboacer

Hello Fellow Kiwis,
Well there are only hours till the election booths are closed and the curtain comes down in the 2nd KronoX administration. It is hard to believe that one month ago, Don KronoX returned to the Presidency of eNZ with a clear mandate to strengthen our great nation. Looking back, I can personally say that it has been a successful term.

This will be my final issue of VP Talk-back, as the incoming administration will be appointing a new set of Cabinet Ministers to lead eNZ over the coming month. I wanted to take this time to thank President KronoX for appointing me VP. I learned alot during this term in government I hope that my role as VP was to the satisfaction of the citizens of eNZ.

So again, thank you everyone for supporting me during this term. I have some final words to say 😉

To the countless Kiwis fighters who stepped forward and put their health on the line in the defense of our nation during that Argentina invasion, I wanted to say thank you!. Our nation owes all of you a huge debt of gratitude for stepping forward and fighting.

I realize there were moments where the actions of the eNZ government may have gone against your original intentions but please know that we did everything to aid our land. However, we owe each Kiwis a great deal of thanks for the countless amounts of damage they put in each battle.

I truly believe that our eNation was forged in that battle and the unity that it created has been born witness in the subsequent elections and days. We owe many people a great deal of thanks but I will end this line with a key term, Remember Otago.

My time as VP was definitely an eye opening experience but it was one that I will not soon forget. Whether it was the debates on IRC, the in-game messages or the forum, I tried to make sure that the decisions and discussion of the government remained transparent and open for all to see.

I learned much of the politics of the New World and the role that friendships and trust play in the politics of eNZ. I have come to gain an even greater amount of respect for my various Cabinet colleagues who I had the privilege of serving with over this past month. They are truly dedicated Kiwis who put a great deal on the line to serve our nation.

I will be the first to admit that I didn't complete all my goals as VP, as I still lacked a dedicated time on IRC and my attempts to gain international aid during the war (talks with Luna), didn't go anywhere. However, I will learn from this and continue to hone my skills in government. This won't be the last you will see of me 🙂

To the members of the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party, I wanted to say thank you for lending me your support during my term as Vice President. I realize that this forced me to divide my time between the party and the government but you remained supportive of me and for that I'am truly grateful.

This was the first government under a PnPP President and I wanted to say thank you for supporting us. I know that all of the PnPP Ministers worked tirelessly to strengthen our country but also sought to ensure that we adhered to the principals of our party. We worked to ensure that eNZ had the best government for our citizens and again, I wanted to thank all the party members for supporting your Cabinet team during this term.

So that is my final speech as Vice President of eNew Zealand. I would like to thank Don KronoX for standing for office on behalf of the PnPP and for having the faith to appointment me Vice President. I truly enjoyed my time as part of this government and I know that many will agree with me when I say it was one of the best in our nations young history.

So as we prepare to move forward, I would say to the citizens of this great nation, thank you for supporting President KronoX and our Cabinet during this term. It has been truly an honour to serve as your Vice President and I hope that these articles helped make you feel a little closer to your government.

In closing I say, raise a glass to the good times and the good friends. Remember all that you accomplished and think back on the fun it took to get there. It is these moments you will cherish and it these moments you will hold dear when you look back on your time in eNZ.

Thank you and best of luck with the future 🙂

NZ Vice President,
Congressmen for Canterbury,
PnPP President,