Upcoming CP elections

Day 1,409, 06:32 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

I was asked today, by a company (which seemed a bit odd) who I would vote for?

I simply do not know at present!

I therefore am writing partly to clear things up in in my own mind by reviewing the numerous candidates.
Let me say for starters that I regard Rolo as an unreformed theif of national funds who tried to con the electorate at the last election by having multi support of 14 people in 5 Parties. I therefore discount him automicaly and declare myself a Rolo (and thief proof) free zone. The door on him, should, in my opinion be kicked shut and walled up.

Let us then move to the other candidates and honest opinion, since this is partly for myself.

Aeriala, despite forewarnings of end of the world and the sky falling on our heads etc has run a sound and succesful term. Hell we took London (never done before) and still own a large part of eUK. In any normal election this would sufficient to be re-elected. However he is not the best communicator and this time there are stronger and better prepared candidates than last time. If Aeriala is going to win my vote - and others he needs a campaign manager and I need economic facts.

Jefflavs first article announcing his candidacy seems to me purely speculative and the chances of him winning I am afraid are minimal.

Octavian and TemujinBC I must admit a self interest in as I have been offered an advisory position. Certainly I like the 'sustainable conquest' idea. In my opinion eUK is NOT 'sustainable conquest'. Also their region swap theory with eUSA is profitable for both us and eUSA. Not sure who would be the MoF in this set up though nor whether we would be able to end the eUK war. This may make their plans impossible in the short term but perhaps worth a try. Tem certainly knows lots about war and Octo seems to say alot of financial sense.

PhillipeDePalme is a hero of CAF and the Cabinet he announced was very strong. However I do not yet see him as a choice on the list nor do I have an idea of his policies. At present though I rate PdP as the most likely winner should he get a Party to support him.

Addy Lawrence, the financial expert and 'old guard' candidate. Anyone that knows Addy will be aware that he could be a more than capable CP anytime and anywhere. He is a 'safe hands' option and this may be the best idea at this time. Certainly the economy will be managed propperly and money probably saved for the future. He would need to listen to his Foreign Affairs and Military Ministers but certainly capable...

As yet I not seen manifestos from Mr Rock, Nosyt or Artorius Perim... who appear on the ballot papers.