Unmoderated forums are useless

Day 876, 18:21 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

Forums have the potential to be great. They can be help create a strong community, teach people things, and be a place to find about news and strategies. But the forums have to be moderated. This is true for anything on the Internet, not just eRepublik.

I urge new players to continue to use the independent eUS forum, where many of the best, smartest and most active Americans and citizens of the world talk about this game. I CANNOT in good faith recommend new players to use the national forums on eRepublik.

Why am I so down on the national forums on eRepublik? Threads like this one, that are very clearly trying to mislead new players -- pretty much all the info there is indisputably wrong.

The inspiration for this article came from Chocolate McSkittles, I agree with pretty much everything he says here.

One of the reasons I've played this game as long as I have (despite all the bugs and flaws) is the interaction and discussions I've had on the eUS forum. To all American citizens (and citizens who are interested about the USA), you should be participating on the eUS forum, not on the eRepublik national forums. Not until they're fixed at least. The eUSforums are where I've learned a lot about this game. It doesn't look like the national forums have any value at all.

Thanks for reading. One special note for USWP members: Vote Inwegen for Party President. As a 2-time Party President of the USWP, I know Inwegen has done a lot for the party and is experienced in this game.