Union-Unie Party Presidency - Yes I'm running

Day 2,123, 11:41 Published in Belgium Belgium by MCKitkat

Good Evening eBelgium and my dear readers,

It has been a long time since I last wrote an article, so let me give you a short update.

End of July, I decided to take a break from eBelgium and from eRepublik in general. I decided to move to the strange country on the other side of the Channel, the UK. Let's say I lost my memory and woke up end of August and could only remember a few wierd things.

I decided, that even though I've had left eBelgium, I've figured that my ghost could never leave eBelgium. So the time came to return to my home and get things going as, I may leave but you'll always remember me.

Anyhew, in order to start my comback I decided to run for the party presidency of Union-Unie. One half of my thousand personas may have changed, but the rest still is the same.

What are my goals for the party. eBelgium needs active politicans, not people who get elected for the gold and sit there to do nothing. eBelgians are the kind of people who debate an eternety until an agreement between two parties is found only to drop the final proposal and forget about it. Why the hard work to drop it ? I have no clue but that is the wrong way. We need to push changes until they are implemented.

Union-Unie needs to work in order to give a real voice to the people. We are elected to bring things forward.

I will promote activity in Union-Unie because we need people who are active and take part in the debate. Mass-PM's between the party members and an active usage of our forum and our IRC are the ways to get there.
Union-Unie is everyone together, so we will work and have fun together.
We need to inform the people about what is going on in eBelgium.

Union-Unie needs to be open for new players, show that eBelgium is a good choice to settle, because we can be like every other eCountry.

We need to push every member, every person to help where help is needed. We will not be silent. Union-Unie has to reach everyone, show that the parties in our lovely country are different. Ideas, ways to achieve these ideas.


Union-Unie is a small but fast growing party of eBelgium.

Our goals, in short, are:
- UNITY: We collaborate with all parties loyal to Belgium
- FAIRNESS: Play free, play fair. It doesn't matter how much you play, just don't harass others
- EQUALITY: No importance on playing age, language, RL nationality. All are welcome
- DEMOCRACY: Important decision are taken democratically in within the party

Union-Unie est un petit parti prometteur en eBelgique.

Nos buts sont, en quelques mots :
UNITE : Nous collaborons avec tous les partis loyaux à l'eBelgique.
EQUITE : Jouez librement, mais jouez honnêtement. Peu importe si vous jouez beaucoup ou peu du moment que vous le faites honnêtement et sans harceler les autres.
EGALITE : Peu importe votre âge, votre langue, votre nationalité IRL, vous êtes tous les bienvenus !
DEMOCRACIE : Les décisions importantes sont prises démocratiquement à l'intérieur du parti.

Union-Unie is een kleine, maar snelgroeiende partij in eBelgië

Onze doelen op een rijtje:
EENHEI😨 we werken met alle partijen die trouw zijn aan België samen
EERLIJKHEI😨 Speel, maar speel het eerlijk. Het doet er niet toe hoe vaak je zelf speelt, maar laat ieder z'n eigen spel.
GELIJKHEI😨 Iedereen is welkom, los van leeftijd, taal of afkomst.
DEMOCRATIE: Belangrijke beslissingen worden in onze partij democratisch genomen.

Thank you for your attention

Greetings MCKitkat

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