UKRP PP update, now get off my back!

Day 1,978, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Rex Fleddington

Hi guys, I’ve been informed that I must write an article so you all are well informed about what is happening. Well, here we go...

This congress election will be quite difficult to predict as smaller parties have become smarter and asked every party if they can join them, thus making the congress elections kind of like an ebay auction for the top 5 parties to see who can get the most parties to help them win spots. This means that I have had to offer parties, like IA, good positions in order for us to get some much needed backing. So hopefully I will have lots on my plate closer to the elections 🙂

On a lighter note, we have some hip and trendy congress candidates running this term, so it will be a hard decision for me to decide who gets top spot and other high positions. If you haven’t applied for a congress spot, please get yo smarmy face down to this link!

I’m not going to lie, I had a small hissy fit when no-one was interested in the marvelous idea of a recruitment competition where we all have a chance to help maintain our parties position in the ranking system. But it’s not over yet, me and Longshutsz are going to find a way to make recruiting easier and bit more fun. There have been talks of enslaving everyone in the party to constantly recruit until the party is big enough to destroy the parasites (I say talks, I mean Lingshootzz has insisted that we try it, but I told him that this isn’t North Korea and for him to stop being such a dick). So yeah... its an arduous task but we’re on it.

Don’t worry guys, I am sorting some stuff out... but it will have to wait till after the congress elections. We have the Weakest link, where 8 people are asked questions (kind of like the weakest link, duh!). I would like it to be that 8 parties offer one member each to try and win the prize of a lifetime... pride for their parties, looking at the history of some parties they might need some.

Last but not least, the CP candidate million dollar question. Who will it be? Well, ladies and gentleman, its for you to decide at home. Later in the month, go onto the UKRP forums and vote for who you think deserves to be the eUKs next top CP.

That is all from me for now. If you would like to apply to be part of the recruitment team please contact either me or Gamechanger. If I have forgotten something please comment and I shall include it. 🙂