UK Wake Up 2008 accounts cheating

Day 2,290, 16:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

Fellow members, Mr Keers is worried about a PTO, why should he be , his party has 100's of fake accounts in the UK that is enough, they must have made enough, what do you think ? I mean his been playing the game 6 years and, 6 years is 2008 right ?

Now you need to know something here, Mr Keers is always so worried about PTO his party created loads to protect the UK, these have been used in many ways, to vote, to make money, to shout people down, to own congress, to rule the land.

People always say provide proof , well take a-look at these two account created in 2008, I really wonder who is running these accounts and who is using to vote and defraud everyone here?

You make your own mind up. what party do you think is running these accounts?

These accounts are not dead and have been used to vote.