UK run by cheats, and they are watching !

Day 2,291, 03:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grogu.

Yes we let the UK know the truth about the mass cheating, and guess what guys the same cheat was online last and watching , this person, then moved a 3rd 2008 account into New Era to run for PP, so this old player how many other account like this do they have, you make me sick, why you cheat, why do you have to cheat then use your fake accounts to make other look bad, I know you game, I know what you are up, you are the lowest of the low, cheating in a free web based game, here you can see the 3rd fake 2008 account that move into New Era yesterday this proves the mass cheater is online all the time and just watching

You can't defend this 3 2008 accounts all the same the UK IS run by multis , do you get ? everyone , decent players , they try to make me look a kunt why ? cos I know they cheat and I speak my mind, I'm the good guy , honest and loyal and care about REAL British players, not like these cheats.
So look at all these accounts normal decent eUK players, ask yourself why does certain players get so angry in the comment, why do they start to bully, why do they go so mad when I call them out ? due to the fact they are the CHEATS, the UK is under Complete control, all you need to do is check out the comments made by the same players, yes I do concur real players have been caught up in this, brain washed by the multi, this is easy done over a space of years pretending they are real people, it's just a big long con job, everyone has been taken in, pure evil stalks the UK, the halls within drip with blood, and dark shadows lurk everywhere just like a cancer.

This cancer needs to be cut out .!