Typical FYROM...

Day 2,005, 06:25 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno


First of all, please take a look at this link and understand why do I use "FYROM": http://www.dfa.gov.za/foreign/bilateral/fyrom.html

As you know, FYROMian players came to the South Africa and announced that their goal is money of SA. Then they started to bribe. After that, they used multi accounts.

2 days ago, Turkey proposed FYROM as Neutral Enemy but FYROM RWed their Saudi Arabian region and run away. Then Turkey conquared Iran-FYROM border and sent NE again. But while this, FYROMian players tried to bribe Turkish congressmen again, to send NE law to the Iran or Bulgaria, not FYROM. So they would have enough time to run away one more time.

What can I say, typical FYROM...

PS: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Turkey/127210 lol
PS2: If Angelique see this article, it is written by my cousin, not me 😃