Tradução de MP que recebi de uma org gringa - Mudança de TAX

Day 495, 09:07 Published in Brazil Brazil by Nosrial Olem


I am writing beacuse of unsure times that ticket companies are living in.
Few last weeks are very demanding in case of handling such company.
Due to low import tax brazilian market is covered mostly by ticket made in Europe. fact is workface there is much cheeper than the brazilian, and that brings us to place where we fight for survive. Native brazilian workers in time will lost opportunity to work in Brazil and make thier own tickets.
You might think idea of high profit drove me to write this letter, but for the moment my daily expenses evrey day are below the line which means profit.
Brazilian workface and owners of ticket companies would be in much better position if income tax would be higher. From what I counted %40-%50 percent would put us in comfortable place.
If you think that we will put enormus high prices on tickets, fear not, cause there is big ticket company called Ticket Breavers, and they are able to put 50 tickets by the price of 13,13 BRL.
As I said we only want to live, I suppose you would want to have another Brazil company to bankrupt.


Eu estou escrevendo isso pelos tempos incertos que as empresas de ticket estão passando.

traduzindo e resumindo: Querem que aumente-mos as import tax dos MT para as empresas de MT não falirem, alegando que a concorrência com os MT europeus é desleal, visto que a mão de obra no eBrasil é absurdamente cara.
Ele alega que não visa altos lucros com isso, apenas sobrevivência de suas empresas.

Tenho que concordar com o cara, proteger empresas nacionais primeiro, as que estão no eBrasil segundo, e só depois podemos pensar em importar.
Porém deixarei para votar após ouvir discussões neste espaço.

ps.: a org foi ESTA
ps2.: como tem uma votação de tax change rolando agora no congresso vou esperar ela acabar pra por esta de MT.
ps3.: Entre as 3 empresas que vendem MT mais barato (agora, que vi), duas são européias...