Top Fighter - Top s-cker?

Day 1,465, 11:22 Published in Hungary Hungary by Nalaja

Today we have a 'new achievement': Top fighter medal. What is this? You can get it if you are 30 times in the top 100 fighters of the whole New World.

Got it? Not be among the top100 once. Not 5 times. 30 times!

At the moment, 3M influence is needed for the 100th place. Interestingly enough, the list has not changed in the last hours, but we can be sure that less than 3M influence won't be enough for one day.

It is obvious that this medal is not for every player. Not even for old, experienced tanks. Biggest tanks deal about 2M influence daily; hopeless to get this achievement just by regular fighting. This is the medal of frequent buyers.

And not even the buying gives guarantee to get it: it is a tricky challange to spend more and more. You can get the 101th place for RL money investment and get no point. Just the one hundred best ones. Like the quandary known as 'how to buy a dollar bill'.

In fact, the unlimited tanking with huge discounts for big buyers, is a kind of slot machine: the bigger buyers can decide battles. Masses of 'free players' provide a disguise of that. Now, even this disguise is not needed anymore, the message is clear: PAY PAY & PAY.

Should we indeed?