Time To Raise The Tone

Day 1,653, 14:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde

My Friends,

As I’m sure you’re aware by now, the CP elections are upon us, with Rawdon and Greatmoff competing for the top prize; the privilege of running our nation and ensuring its safety and prosperity.

Recently various accusations have come to light in which Rawdon and his party, ESO have been accused of making backroom deals with other parties for CP support, including giving away ministry positions in exchange for votes. You can read more about this by clicking this link

Various people in my own party have proceeded to lambast Rawdon for this; but I would like to interject here!

I’ve taken the time to find the facts; I’ve spoken to Rawdon and Lily Summers, the PP of ESO, both of whom have assured me that the accusations are in fact untrue; indeed, Rawdon explains his position here. It appears as if PCP are trying to play off both ends against the middle in an attempt to gain a political victory. Totally understandable in their position, but unfortunately it’s dragged Rawdon into a bit of a mire, completely undeservedly.

He’s publicly stated that there isn’t any deal and that all cabinet ministers will be appointed on merit- this is fantastic and in fact follows the policy that Greatmoff already outlined for you in his manifesto here

This is without a doubt a hotly contested CP election, with many twists and turns yet to come. Please, though, don’t base your vote on any of these accusations, these petty actions with no basis in fact. Instead, base it on your ideals; on who you think will do the better job for the country. Please, read both Greatmoff’s and Rawdon’s manifestos and base your decision on them- talk to them! My door as vCP is always open and I’m happy to respond to all queries as quickly as I can, and Greatmoff assures me the same is true of him. A candidate out of touch with the people he wants to support him should never even get near office- I’m sure Rawdon would say the same.

Some people have lowered the tone of this election- I am here to raise it once again. Division and mindless rhetoric can only damage the country; unity will ensure our prosperity.

Thanks for reading; Strength in Unity!

Talon Karrde

vCP Candidate