Things You Should Know About The “EDEN PTO”

Day 832, 08:29 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

Things You Should Know About The “EDEN PTO”

There had been a lot of press released after the election regarding the so-called “EDEN PTO”. Unfortunately due to a few hundred Trojans on my computer I was not able to respond at that time. A lot of claims were put out there offering “proof” or “evidence”. I do want to set the record straight on a few things though. I will try to keep it focused on Belgium and the Free Belgium party. Both alliances have a history through the game world that can be cited, but this is not about that. I also apologize for the length in advance.

MYTH: The Free Belgium party used their US and EDEN backing to increase the EDEN share of congress to 50%.
FACT: After the January election, the so called EDEN parties had an 11-9 majority in Congress. The current election had similar results.
CONCLUSION: No real change

MYTH: The Free Belgium party got more votes then they have members
FACT: Four out of the five parties received more votes then they had members. Elections are not just for party membership. The BfB party got 300 more votes then they had members, the Free Belgium got 250.
CONCLUSION: Both parties had the same benefit.

MYTH: Many Free Belgium candidates did not have presentations so their getting many votes is wrong.
FACT: Of the 21 candidates who got 25 or more votes, four were from Free Belgium, four were from BfB. One of the Free Belgium candidates was a Congressman running for reelection, so had a history to run on.
CONCLUSION: Both parties are equal in getting votes to candidates without presentations.

MYTH: The Free Belgium candidates had a lot of unknowns.
FACT: Not exactly sure how to quantify “unknowns”. If you look at the number of posts and belonging to the forum as a guide to determining being “known” and look at the BfB party, according to a list I ask someone to make before the election; 7 candidates were not forum members, two had never posted, three had less then 5 posts, and two more less then 10 posts.
Name - forum Member - # of posts
Manong Rizal - yes - 410
Jofroi - yes - 171
Mike Woolridge - yes - 34
thedragon - yes - 34
Hugo Lilly - yes - 27
Gibberish45 - yes - 24
Baab - yes - 22
Blejk - yes - 9
Elynea - yes - 6
Murena - yes - 4
Triskadecaphobia- yes - 4
Charles Breydel- yes - 2
Archoz - yes - 0
mattinounet - yes - 0
Batant - no
Blackshark - no
ego_zero - no
Francois Vandermeersch- no
General Melchett - no
LeValeureuxLiegeois- no
Mitschel - no
Peter Doombringer- no
Tung - no

CONCLUSION: Both parties had numerous candidates who could be considered unknowns.

MYTH: Only EDEN is presenting players for congress, not Phoenix or Hungarians and Russians did not run candidates.
FACT: Based on my current review of candidates, I do agree that Russia and Hungary did not run any of their citizens as candidates. But those two countries are not the only members of Phoenix. Many of the BfB do have strong ties and histories with Phoenix countries.
CONCLUSION: It is not inconceivable to presume that the 600+ “Belgians” in Hungary and Russia felt comfortable supporting Phoenix candidates who may be claiming to be neutral.

MYTH: The Free Belgium Party proposed “bad” laws like - Maxing out the food tax - Minimum wage set to 200BEF
FACT: Neither law was proposed by a member of Free Belgium. The minimum wage law was defeated with support of Free Belgium candidates. The food tax law was repealed the following day with support of Free Belgium candidates as shown here
Conclusion: While the two laws cited were proposed by a Pole and a Croatian, neither was a Free Belgium member and Free Belgium supported the repeal of the one law and help defeat the other.

MYTH: The BfB kept its promise of not asking for help
FACT: The BfB got 415 votes in total. According to erep today, there are 694 citizens in Belgium. Keep in mind, erep’s definition of a citizen means a player, not someone with citizenship. Prior to election, ereptools listed the number of Belgians in Belgium as 492. But when you started to factor out the ones who were unable to vote because they were new or who were likely abandoned characters and dying off, that number drops to 222 (150 under wellness 20, 120 between 20-40)
While they may not have “asked” for votes, we should keep in mind posts like these; ”Phoenix votes go for BfB. So you want to keep Belgium free of Belgians? And full of Americans...” and “native Hungarians aren't live in eBelgium. We just vote for BfB candidates.” The aid may have come unbidden, but the aid was there.
CONCLUSION: If there were only 222 Belgians in Belgium, how did 415 votes get cast without outside help? Now the claim can be made that they were only countering US votes, but I was watching the vote count during the day. US votes were NEVER greater then other votes. I had made a post on the US forum advising people of Olv007’s pledge to keep the outside voters away and had advised people to watch the counts. They saw the numbers going up beyond what it should have been and responded. Free Belgium got 270 votes in total. If the additional votes cast for BfB were after the US votes, wouldn’t the 415 votes have been sufficient to defeat Free Belgium?

MYTH: The shout of "The Party to Keep Belgium free of Phoenix" is proof of a PTO.
FACT: A shout is designed to get people on your friends list to take notice of something. In the case of an article, to get them to read, vote, and possibly subscribe. The majority of people on my list are members of EDEN. To get someone’s attention, making a shout like that is not an unheard of practice. Anyone familiar with US late night evening news is quite use to commercials that run along the lines of “There is something in your house that will kill your children. Tune in tonight at 11 for details.”
CONCLUSION: It was an advertisement to get people to read an article.

MYTH: The Free Belgium Party is a group of EDEN oppressors.
FACT: Just yesterday I saw a comment by President Olv007 in support of legislation proposed by a member of Free Belgium. Hardly seems the work of oppressors.
CONCLUSION: Don’t let propaganda (and sometimes poorly written propaganda) give you the wrong impression. The Free Belgium party may have members from Belgium, the US, Poland, and elsewhere, but we are not here to take over the county. We may come from different places, but that is a strength, it allows us to be open to different views and come to common understanding. We are looking forward to working with ALL the people of Belgium and to help build a strong independent Belgium.