The Truth About Groundhog's Day

Day 808, 10:16 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

We have learned the truth about the harmless animal we turn to every February 2 for counsel about the weather. While we all were brought up indoctrinated in the belief that a groundhog seeing his shadow indicates 6 more weeks of winter, the truth is far more sinister.

If a groundhog sees his shadow, it means that PTO's are coming fast.

We are being contacted by numerous government officials from countries across the world asking for assistance.

We have reports of Hungary, Serbia, United Kingdom, Russia, Brazil all plotting to overthrow allies or independent countries.

We also have reports of independent groups using very creative methods to undermine small countries and those countries with limited internet connections.

We need you help.

Please sign up here to volunteer to cast your vote to help stop Phoenix and to help stop cheaters from taking over other countries.