The Return of Brian Boru?

Day 702, 16:37 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

If you are a citizen born after the Presidential Election of September 5th, you may not be familiar with a citizen who has returned to our forums and media. His name is Brian Boru.

Brian Boru was at one time a highly respected (if controversial) Irish Politician; four time congressman, co-author of our Constitution, author of numerous bills and failed presidential candidate. All of which in themselves are worthy of respect.

It is the last item that brought things to a head though. Immediately following his failed bid for the Presidency against Patton and Fionn one might have expected a gracious concession speech and a return to the mostly good work Mr. Boru had done before.

This was not to be the case. In tandem and most likely collusion with Mannimarco, Mr. Boru declared what was to become known as “The Ten Minute Coup”. The transcript of this act of treason can be found here archived with forethought by Edana Savage, for it was soon deleted by Mr. Boru and followed up with his The Joke is over Article where he attempted to elicit a laugh in the face of incredulity, furious anger and betrayal. He also announced his impending death from slow starvation as he is quoted as saying “I would rather die than be a two-clicker.”

Personal Bias? Perhaps

Mr. Boru and I have had run-in’s in the past and until the coup had loosely agreed to respectfully disagree. I have not written this article to flame Mr. Boru but merely to educate some of our younger citizens on some historic events pertaining to him especially if he decides to return to eIreland “for good”. For many of us who were here and left with the aftermath of a failed coup and (briefly) absconded treasury, forgiving is a long way off and forgetting impossible.

Though discussions took place on the banishment of Boru and Mannimarco in the Dail, game mechanics make this a purely academic argument.

It is up to you to decide eIreland.

Very Respectfully,
Donovan Thomas