The politics of eAustralia a.k.a Cry baby Cry.

Day 1,340, 22:33 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

Firstly let me start by saying STFU, all of you.

There is not a true leader amongst you, there is nobody who can inspire the population with a single article, nobody who will lead from the front and be above the pathetic games and complete sandpit political ploys that, like a cancer suck the life out of this nation.

There is no honour amongst thieves and liars but there are double standards, these ooze like festering sours on all that was once good and righteous. Even those who were once the political standards have been revealed to be no better than glorified trolls.

They claim to speak for the better of the nation. Hot tip, if someone actually tells you this then they are full of it and have ulterior motives to be posting articles, comments and getting involved in the political clusterf*ck that is the crybaby politics of our nation.

Is this really the legacy that Zaney left? A nation full of glorified trolls with political aspirations?

You all should be embarrassed.

I am truly sorry to all the new players who have joined the game in the hope of finding a nation to be proud of. In eAus that does not exist.
Though once it did, once we fought every day for our freedom and our struggle was known throughout the world. We were true blue. Even though our nation was always under siege we would never let our friends and allies down. Our mighty Dropbears were renown around the world and when the time came and the button was pressed the world came to our aid.

That is not true now and its the political players who ‘know what is best for the nation’ that have allowed this situation to continue. They focus on internal enemies and people seem to have forgotten the fact that the true enemy of eIndonesia still has our soil.

Who is talking about that? Sure there are some issues with the Training War with eNZ but that is all it is, a training war. Organised and agreed to by the CP, the elected leader of the nation.

When is someone going to step up to the plate and look at the eIndo situation?

Remember when we had pride eAustralia, give me that over occupation anyday.

I demand the present CP rise above the infestion of trolls and become the leader he was elected in to be. Provide the inspiration and judgement that you were elected for. Do what you promised during your campaign and become the guiding becon in the night.
