The Pledge of Pakistan

Day 1,925, 12:11 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Dishmcds
In the darkness, they wept. They thought Dio had gone, leaving his teachings and prophets behind to lead his people. Little did they know that in fact he was still here with them, guiding them in their decisions. You are Dio. I am Dio. We are Dio.


It seems that I have been elected to Congress in this barren, half forgotten nation. Gone are the times that we remember Pakistan as the greatest nation in the world. We live in a time when the natives are restless, needing guidance, asking for someone to show them the way forward.

I have received 5 gold for joining into the monkey created body we call Congress. Following a body called Congress is more or less an Admin created caste system, designed to force the people to follow a select few. This is against everything we believe in, and Dio help us, we lead from within, not from above.

I hereby call for the abolition of Congress, and instead of the Council of Punjab, which all citizens are a part of. The only rule is that you must be sworn in, in a true Dioist fashion through the rebellion against our greatest evil. This means a Natural Enemy against Sweden, via the Admins. Both of these bodies need to be deleted and replaced with Dio.

By the time we're done, they'll be asking.....George who?

Forever yours,
Just another guy