The NHS and You - Volunteers Needed

Day 338, 05:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, I'm writing my second article in as many days. That of course isnt counting Aurum or DoT, but who reads those anyway? I know you're all wondering what was SO important that I had to write an article about it, right?

Oh, wait. That's in the title.

So anyway, there are many of you that don't really realize the major change of V1 to the UK Society isn't Raw Materials. That happened everywhere.

The Major change to our way of life, quite simply, is the lack of Mayors. Now, knowing that the formal petition to bring them back sooner rather than later started here (by Minister of Minorities and UKRP Congressman RonaldChris), I know you all liked what Mayors did for you. Here's a small reminder:

They gave you gifts to keep your wellness up.

Now, with V1 comes a new wellness formula, a new system of the way products affect your wellness, and new productivity formulas. Realize that now, in V1, it's easier to get to higher wellness than it is to keep it. In Beta, it was the other way around. Once you were at high wellness, it was relatively easy so long as you ate the right quality food, or owned a house.

So, the new NHS works something like this:

Way back when Kaleb first started the Government (and of course he had help, but he was the PM and primary on it), he formed what we called the National Healthcare Service. This was used primarily to fund the Mayors and Regional Council over the last three and a half months, but has now turned into it's own Ministry.

Each region will have one Director (which takes the place of Mayor on the food chain) and will report to the Minister of Health (currently JerryGFL).

So, whats the problem, you may ask?

The problem is that most of the former Mayors are stepping down, due to other commitments both here and in real life, and I've only seen a couple people step up and help.

Let me be the first to say that you all would be complaining left and right still about not having Mayors. They monitored your wellness for you, and did most of the work at that. You were so quick to complain about it, yet so many people will not elect to help out and pick up some of the pieces. Jerry is asking for your help. Jerry and his staff need your help.

So, do your part. Final Destiny himself, newly returned from Ireland, is going to do Belfast. Remember, thats where he started on his journey to President, it could be the same for you!



Minister of Trade