The Mouse that Broke the Camels Back

Day 1,472, 04:54 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
Blue Moose: YOUR Foreign Policy

We at the Canadian Progressive Front have both welcomed and been deeply worried by recent Foreign Policy developments:

A. The eUK War Ended

We regarded this war as futile and geared by a self interested circle of power elitism: War needs weapons and food so arms and food companies sell more! -> They employ more people who get payed more! -> They pay for more food and weapons! -> The eGovernment takes a cut/tax from ALL transactions so their income rises! -> The eGovernment funds the MUs who continue the war!

While this war kept the wheels of self interest and the economy running in both countries what is the point long term if it couldn't be won? It progresses eCanada, nor our allies, no further. Rather, we thought, eUK should return to her natural alliance alongside eCanada and eUSA and we would fully support the setting up of a 'propaganda unit' with this in mind.

With our Bros to the south half occupied the eUK war was surely a side show and we welcome the hard work of the MoFa Ethel, and the Addy Lawrence Administration as a whole, to end this!

B. The Chattering Elite and ONE Suggestions

We at Canadian Progressive Front were alarmed to hear of the leaked suggestion, apparently derived from Congressmen, that we betray our allies by joining ONE. Ladies and Gentlemen we are at war with ONE, unless it has escaped your notice; such a suggestion is nothing less than sedition! The Congressman who even suggests such an idea should be publicly hung, drawn and quartered!

NEVER let eCanada suffer the same infamy as eUK who of old were 'bought' for a hospital by eHungary. Was the price worth it? The Blue Moose says: "NO price is worth OUR HONOUR!!!"

In this regard we are concerned with Addy Lawrences new suggestion of a new “The Brolliance”: Let us NOT form ever smaller alliances when we are already outnumbered and out gunned but rather increase the effectiveness of what we have! Why shouldn't Terra and Eden form a Combined Command where global priorities can be set?

C. The ePolish War

The People of the Blue Moose welcome the recent vote in Congress to make ePoland a Natural Enemy. The fact that this motion was brought by our own Congressman, Wilhelm Gunter, makes no odds but says a great deal about the loyalty of our Party.

Now this war is NOT going to be easy and we can expect setbacks (although we are winning in Minnesota as I write). We are NOT an 'esuper-power' and ePoland is possibly the greatest monster since the great days of eRomania. Does this mean we should not attack? The Blue Moose says: "Never!!!!! Though we be but a mouse we have the heart of a lion!!"

Indeed while this war may at first seem destined to defeat how many regions can the ePolish behemoth hold down in oppression at once? We welcome the entry of eRussia into the war and urge eFrance and eGermany to concentrate on liberating their regions. Idealy this should be done on a grand scale with a 'Grand Plan' under a Combined Command. (Can someone please tell me who's great idea it was to have eCroatia relocate to eMexico? Why isn't an MPP enough?)

D. The Future

We at the CPF will soon be releasing a series of articles and hosting weekly debates on eCanadian future policy. We believe eCanada IS not a place for elitist cliques to run our policy with their credit cards and business conglomerates. We welcome ALL true eCanadians and allies to our debates. The Blue Moose has slept too long we shall now act to put your future in your hands in future. We shall kick this off with an article and debate on 'The Duties of a Congressman' /Lady.

It is YOUR eCanada: It is our Honour!

CPF: Putting Your Future in YOUR Hands!