The Liberation of eCroatia

Day 1,232, 23:27 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

Today I address you on serious subjects of soveignty and tactics and honour, and partly startegy...

The Ancient Greeks argued much over over the matter of "might is right" but nowadays we draw a distinction between the two; you may have the power to force your will on another person or country but do you have the right? In the case of the eSerbian subjugation of eCroatia the answer to this is undoubtedly NO! Enemies they may have been for long but for a country not to have land is abomination. This is their land and all those who have come and gone in eCroatia - a one powerful and great eNation... Will eSerbia bully the whole eworld? For myself I moved to eCanada to help in the liberation wars against eHungary and eIran and I have no hesitation in helping eCroatia as much as I can.
Is eCroatian liberation right? YES!

What then of honour? Well one could argue that it is honourable to what right but consider this: What is more honourable than to help someone when they are down and haven't asked for your help? To give freely and without asking compensation? This is a truly honourable cause, it is only I - an eCanadian - who ask you help on their behalf.
Is helping eCroatian liberation honourable? Extremely!

What of tactics and strategy then? In the past it was customary to start many RWs to drain manpower and resources from an over large enemy. It seems currently that Eden and Terra have not being so for reasons they alone know. (Do they even realise they have the same enemy?). To fight for the eCroatian resistance today WILL divert eSerbian resources that would otherwise go to eFrance or eRomania. Strategicaly once eCroatia is back on the map we must MPP her upto the hilt and keep her a thorn in eSerbian side that will forever prevent their expansion back to eAsia. Also I ask you this: how long will eRomania hold out against both eSerbia and eHungary?
Is eCroatian liberation right strategicaly? Yes!

I am not a Government Official or Official of any alliance, I am a freelance freedom seeker. The Alliances and Governments have done nothing therefore let the people rise up and show the way and let the Governments follow. Beg steal and borrow weapons, lobby your Congress representatives and President and get what is needed to liberate eCroatia!