The Herpity of Derpity (The United States)

Day 1,626, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, I finally got around to the second part of this series, which is the relationship between the United Kingdom, herein referred to as the metrosexuals, and the United States, herein referred to as the Herpity Derpity.

The Past

A very long time ago, the United States, and the United Kingdom were actually best friends, more or less. Dating back to Beta, when there were about ten players in this game (not to mention no war module), we both got along extremely well. Not counting the one conflict we had (which was the US v Canada war, or more widely known as the war of Nave's Toe), we worked together to establish the ATLANTIS alliance, and were allied for more than a year.

Once again (similar to the Irish conflict), the reasons that the US and UK fell out of favor with each other can be argued endlessly over. You can say that the US had some statesmen that didn't quite like the UK (HR/Franco), and said some very naughty things about us. You can say that we as a nation were influenced by a few new relationships (Hungary/lolGFHassanspais, etc) that showed us a side of ATLANTIS/Terra/etc that we didn't like. Regardless of your perspective, we became at odds when Hungary entered North America via Scotland, and we entered PEACE GC a short time later (making us enemies) during the invasion of North America.

Over time, we've had some administrations that held good relations with the US, and some that had some bad relations. Currently, our former CP is the head of the US, and our relations are decent (although they are certainly not "allies" by any means). She's at least easy to talk to (even if they don't keep their word all the time 😛). There have been people like Gayus who hated us so much he was willing to dump thousands of gold into pointless wars trying to reach London (HEY GAIUS, HOW'D THAT WORK OUT FOR YOU).

The Present

Currently, we're lukewarm with them. It's like the girl at the end of the bar, that you've said hello to, but are a bit cautious because she already has one hickey on her neck. You really like her, and she's hot, but you question her judgement. You are quite sure you could get her in bed on the first date though.

The Future

This could go either way, really. The US, which is in the Terra Alliance, is experiencing some of the same problems that EDEN and Terra seem to bring. They are still going through some issues Alliance wise trying to calm Terra down between the Chile/Argentina thing (they'll claim that's handled, but the scars are still fresh) and the fact that Russia is one of Chile's BFF's, Canada is out of control, and Terra seems to be less Alliance and more EDEN's little girl, but that could all change (just like any other alliance).

We could end up being on neutral ground with them, or we could end up in pointless war with them....again.

Relationship Status: If it happens, it's a One Night Stand
Future Possibilities: Booty Call, or Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that pulls your teeth out

Next Country: Croatia

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy