The Gloves Are Off

Day 767, 05:41 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

my dear fellow eIndians

I am on holiday so i am somewhat sporadic with my presence. From the 3rd of Jan, I shall be back and more aggressive than ever. I have been quiet about my presidential run since Jelly states his desire to run for president. He is a good man and deserves it and has also helped us on many occasions, especially building bonds with our Australian friends and friends from Sol. I have been in two minds as to whether i should back off or hang in,cos I like jelly and he will do good but these are testing times and need to teach some obstinate pests a lesson. Let me quickly explain a few things...

We had detailed talks with the so called MAFIA handler who FINALLY admitted that he was in cahoots with the iranian gov and told us that he would "call off" MAFIA if we signed peace with iran. This was a complete contradiction to the nonsense we had been fed till now that MAFIA was independent. Instead of showing good faith by staying away from congress and getting themselves out, MAFIA demaned us to trust them; which obviously we refused. They still attacked...and we told them...DO YOUR BEST.

They did...and they failed.

This fail will be the costliest FAIL of their life as they will soon see. This was their best chance with me on holiday...they screwed it up and now they gonna learn how costly such arrogance was.

I am a pacifist, but i believe in one principle first and foremost..."he who lets injustice happen is as much a criminal as those that do it"

I have seen enough of how much india has been threatened and I am now going to take a stand. I respect the USA for helping us and I respect Indonesia for staying out of our conflict but I hope USA and Indonesia understand that Iran and India will not have peace anytime soon and now we shall not rest till we prove our mettle. I am now picking up my weapons and going for president as someone who will take no nonsense and will take what is ours on our terms. disrespect us at your own risk.

I have brought in at least 50-100 players wihout even trying watch outmy friends and enemies...i talk...when needed........but i DELIVER.

make no mistake, this is a long tough war now, and its a war of attrition which needs the strong...and needs your time to help us. It needs Indians...and I promise u war and RESPECT.


I say no more...but just that..

