The Fog and the Underdog

Day 682, 22:31 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

So there I was...

So there I was on the eve before the day before the election sitting on the porch watching the fog roll in from the sea reading H.S. Thompson’s wonderfully indistinct commentary and enjoying a whiskey when it occurred to me;

“I’m so immersed in not playing politics that I haven’t written in weeks!”

Politics Shmolitics

Not playing politics? Well, yes. In fact I have to hand it to the three of us; with the venom that’s normally spit around here like tobacco juice at a rodeo we have come very close to acting like Irish gentlemen. I salute both the President and the Field Marshall, forty-eight hours to go; we may yet cross the finish line without an unkind word. Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh (The essence of a game is at its end.)

I have of course typed thousands of words of commentary, hundreds of comments, some bylaws and a treaty. I’ve penned many long posts on the forums both national and “party”; but I have not written. I have not spoken to the eIrish people. So tonight, I will do so.

There seems to be two minds in the eIrish Street as to my chances. On the one hand I am told “Ye got it in the bag!” on the other “Not a chance in hell!” with not much gray area between. You see, I’m not a Beta. I haven’t been around for a year or more, taken a hiatus, grown tired of the game and moved away, or been CP twice. I haven’t made my millions overseas, led a mercenary rebellion or battle hero’d. I don’t have ten good worker medals, just the two for every day I have been alive; but I have posted every day, worked every day and fought like a crazed demon to pass in rank many older players. I’ve been fortunate to reach level 17, Colonel, be elected to the Dáil and nominated for the office of President. The first two were from plain old hard work. The last two I like to think were from being fair, firm and dedicated beyond the call of duty.

If I may quote GordonGekko; a quiet man for whom I have much respect;

“The last time we gave youth a chance was with Starks. DTs time will come but I hope its not this month.”

I don’t blame Gordon. Were I he watching another like me aspire to heights unattained or attempted by many much my senior I might think the same. I was born just after Mr. Hayter’s unfortunate term. I was born literally among the fading bugle call of Severin’s fade into the sunset. The fire that burns hottest burns fastest and those who stand around it often burn as well.

I can understand feelings such as Gordon’s though I fiercely and respectfully disagree. I am the underdog, the young whippersnapper. I don’t mind being the underdog. It is an honorable and humbling thing to know that I stand among giants, and stand rather tall. I look forward to proving men and women like Mr. Gekko wrong, but for the right reasons.

I’ve stayed away from talking points and issues tonight because I wanted to speak to you as I would were we at the same table. There will be time enough tomorrow for interviews, last minute questions and debate.

Locked and Loaded

I want to be your President. I want to lead this country and bring its proud name to the lips of the world. I hope that you will take the time to consider my record, my dedication, my passion and my sincere love for this country and its people. I do not want the title and the medal, I want only to serve. Tomorrow I will put on my suit, lace up my boots, ensure the side arm in my shoulder holster is loaded, one in the chamber and on safe; and I’ll go to work as I have every day that I have e-lived; ready to fight and die for eIreland with pen or sword.

Thank you,

Please take a moment to click here and enjoy what for me has been my campaign theme

Very Respectfully,

Colonel Donovan Thomas
Minister of Information
Congressman from Dublin

(Thanks to Einberliner and the eIrish people for the wonderful badge)