The Eden/Phoenix Wars: The End

Day 1,051, 15:34 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

With the heoroic recapture of 'Lion King' by eChina and Eden an end of an Epoch is reached... If you want to know what will come next it is wise to understand how we got to where we are...

The Longest War

A. The Decisive Battlefield.

No doubt many of you will have seen Chucky Norris excellent articles detailing the formation of Atlantis and Peace GC, Operation French Toast etc... In many ways the recent Eden/Phoenix is a continuation and now culmination of these wars. The most powerful nations on either side and the names of the alliances themselves have changed but the determining factor in erepublik geography is the control of area from Karnataka (in southern eIndia) to Western Siberia (eRussia) where the greatest amount of resources are concentrated. To control this area deprives gives you command of over half of erepubliks resouces, this boosts the owners economy and ability to wage war while also depriving ones opponents of these advantages, so when losing such a region you get financialy and militarily hit, all your companies are lost and you can no longer produce the iron etc for weapons so the tax revenue falls. The regions between Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, 'Lion King' and 'Hello Kitty' are the single histest resources in the closest proximity, if you neutralise the Karnataka region (or own it) you own, or deprive your opponent owning, half of ereps total resources and therefore economy.

B. The Atlantis Assault on the East.

As I mentioned above the alliances have changed names... for Atlantis read Eden (only eUK changed sides and thus they are still hated) and for Peace read Phoenix. Also the strongest nations have changed. In the days of Atlantis eRomania was the greatest power of the alliance while for Peace eIndonesia was the most powerful single member. Following the failure of 'French Toast' (see The Atlantis assault on the the 'Decisive Battlefield' area was lead by eRomania whose army (in the days before citizenship) crossed into eRussia en masse and PTOed them in a single day. This was amazing display of efficiency on the part of the eRomanian Corps system and alowed them to progress via eUkraine to meet the other 'superpower' of the day - eIndonisia who held Western Siberia (the single most productive region in the game). The battle for Western Siberia was a record for then and eRomania and Atlantis came away with the victory (see and the famous 'blue birdies' here After a brief pause eRomania went continued to press eIndonesia back to their base in mainland eAsia of Karntaka. Just as a suitable deal between eRomania and eIndia was being arranged and the final victory drew nigh eHungary (which had been wiped from the map by eRomania) had a massive 'baby -boom' due to erepublik being mentioned on their national TV... Naturaly they had a common enemy with eIndonesia. With eHungary launching block attacks the attack on Karntaka never went in and eIndonesia counter attacked all the way back to Western Siberia. At this point eRomainia decided to withdraw to its origional territories and shortly after Atlantis collapsed for other reasons. The balance had turned it seemed but precautions were taken for the worst; most notably the liberation of Greece with it's high iron region aided by eUSA and eUK in operation 'Turkish Delight'.

C. The Second Decisive Battlefield.

With the demise of Atlantis and the retreat of eRomania Peace ruled the Asian field and had an up and coming superpower in eHungary. eRomainia itself was still too hard a nut to crack and eHungary needed high resources to make use of it growing population. The decision was made therefore to invade North America to gain resources and knock out some eRomanian allies and to be able to cross into eAsia. eUK famously (or infamously) 'sold out' Scotland to eHungary for a Q5 hospital thus giving eHungary and access point to eCanada. eIndonesia coeced eJapan into letting them pass through to attack Hawaii, eFrance invaded eCanada and ePortugal went into eUSA from the south east while eRussia went via Alaska with eIran following from the base of 'Lion King' they then held. eSpain tried to help their allies by attacking eFrance and instead were counter -attacked and briefly wiped from the map, losing the allies more high iron regions and leaving at one point only the Central Greece production base for weapons. eCanada was briefly also wiped from the map and eUSA was down to one region. While this was happening the old Atlantis allies in eEurope were creating Eden and once this was done they jumped into the battles in North America. Whereas eUSA had never been particulary active in Atlantis days they and eCanada were now angry and with help of their old allies in eEurope the Battle of North America became a disaster for Peace. Essentialy it proved that no matter what resources you have (Peace had about 90% at one point) you cannot hold down a great number of occupied regions (I shall return to this correlation later...). However eHungary, when expelled from eCanada had occupied the high iron region of Heliongjiang ('Hello Kitty'), eIran still held 'Lion King' and eRussia had bought back its important regions from it 'allies'. Meanwhile eIndonesia still held Karnataka

D. The eUSA in eAsia.

eUSA has always in my elife been in the top 5 of epopulation but whereas they had been mostly reticent to war they had now experienced it within their own regions and thus became more aware of the entire situation - Peace had taught them that outside their border WAS also important. The eAsian power of Peace remained when shortly after Peace dissolved for other resons and became Phoenix. The threat to North America still remained with the Asian resources in the hands of the recent invaders, what they called the 'three pillars' - 'Lion King', 'Hello Kitty' and Karnataka. After a great deal of negotiation eJapan alowed eUSA though and they went first to remove eIran from 'Lion King' (see Then then attacked the eHungarian fortress of 'Hello Kitty' but by then eSpain was invading eFrance and ePoland was having it's 'baby - boom'; the attack failed. Instead eUSA went south to deal with the 'third pillar' of eIndonesian held Karnataka which eIndonesia lost and eUSA made a rental agreement with eIndia, thus getting where eRomania had drawn back. Two of eUSA's 'pillars' had fallen but eHungary remained a threat in 'Hello Kitty' and eSerbia was moving East, boosted by it's own 'baby-boom'. While eIndonesia was removed as a threat on mainland of eAsia the job was unfinished.

E. The Central eEuropean Wars.

It became clear, from the Eden side, that eUSA alone could not deal with eHungary in 'Hello Kitty', the threat of eIndonesia returning for Karnataka and eSerbia, now making their way to 'Lion King' via eIran, ePakistan etc. It was important to get another ally over to the eAsian battlefield. Alot of chances were wasted when eFrance and eGermany were wiped briefly from the map by eSpain and ePoland when instead of crossing over via eUSA an attack was launched on eUK... Eden had not learned the lesson of Peace in North America and were trying to dominate 'countries' and vital resource regions. A concerted attempt was made to link eCroatia into the ePolish regions of Germany but this failed by the narrowest of margins. Having failed in the attempt to eCroatia through and accross eUSA to eAsia the plan was formulated for a direct assault on eHungary (by now the strongest Phoenix member). Off it went and when eHungary was most involved the attack on eHungarian 'Hello Kitty' was launched and won (see Thus while eCroatia suffered briefly eHungary was removed from the eAsian theatre but eSerbia had grabbed 'Lion King'... so the removal of on Peace/Phoenix power in eAsia only lead to another, again the 'third pillar' of Peace/Phoenix stood. Finaly after the follies of the eUK invasion and French occupation ePoland managed to cross over to eNorth America and period of Peace/Phoenix in eAsia was dominance in eAsia was doomed. (This, in my opinion, was the single most vital stage in this long war).

F. The Russian Threat in eAsia and Eden Victory.

With 'Hello Kitty' in eChinese hands they began to grow economicaly. Yet eSerbia (by now the main Phonix 'power') remained in 'Lion King' and while eRussia supported them from the north this last 'pillar' remained strong. The crossing of the strongest Eden power, ePoland, from eUSA to eAsia and into eRussia in conjunction with eUSA (who retained their eAsian bases) proved too much for the vital eRussian regions and finaly Western Siberia was retaken for the first time since eRomania. From then on the fall of 'Lion King' was only a matter of time and on the second attempt this long war for the eAsian resources ends (for now) with Eden depriving Phoenix of half the eworlds resources, leaving the previously PTOd regions of eAustralia, eSouth Africa (PTO), Podolia (eUkraine occupied by eHungary) and eBrazil resources to them.

The Lessons of History

A. The Strategic Lesson.

Is this the end? Certainly not. The history teaches us that when you seem closest to victory you are destined to ultimate defeat (Romania in Karnataka, Peace in eUSA, eCanada in eUK!). Yes you may run out of gold (eCanada/eUK), there may be a genuine bug (French Toast) and there may be admin messes. However the greater strategy over-rules all these problems and if adhered to will win. The history of the North American invasion should teach todays leaders that worthless regions are just that - worthless, nor can one one hold down too many worthless regions for long. The correlation between high resource regions and wiping a country from the map is, in effect an inverse square. To hold down the complete nation is madness - to hold its high resource regions is vital. In this eHungary and Peace/Phonix should have educated todays leaders by the North American invasion, yet we still see recent conquest attempts on eUK etc... The vital strategic area remains the high resource regions. All else is but diversion.

B. The Economic Lesson.

Well we can say that militarily losing a high resource region is a major setback but apart from this the ownership of such a region is a boost to a countires economy. I am not a great eEconomist but eCanadas 'closed market' strategy would be greatly altered by possesion of a foreign high resource region in my opinion (which is one of reasons I argued against the 'Acacia War' on eUK). There is an arguement to be made that the cheaper you sell (and produce) the more foreign money you get... even if it be your opponents money. Nobody, in my memory, has yet put the 'conservative' arguement propperly.

The Future

It is without doubt that Phoenix will try to recapture their lost strongholds and eRussia will be first since it is 'occupied territory'. eSerbia remains in eMalaysia and I expect them to them to move north to Western Siberia area to try retake the Northern Asian sphere. Alternatively they may collude with eIndonisia on the retaking of Karnataka... these are their choices.
What we should do? Keep the high resource regions and - they must become 'fortesses' - and NOT take useless regions. Let eSerbia remain in eMalaysia (though I hate it) we can at least do easy blocks... Above all we should concentrate on the allies who have suffered - the cleaning of eAustralia and eSouth Africa, who both have suffered for this greater goal of destroying Peace/Phoenix power in eAsia. Keeping the pressure on Phoenix will prevent counter-attacks. Long term eBrazil and eUkraine must now be planned.


Well the time has come for me to 'move on'. I have seen alot in erepublik and learned alot, and maybe even taught a little. The war for me is over and the lessons of past have been learned (which was the real 'war'). I will miss alot of you - enemies and friends and I thank both for such great times. My closest friends from here will know how to reach me but to the other heros - and everyone of you was one for contributing in a final victory - and for making my life a little more I thank you all. May your God go with you and watch over you.