The Brave and Strong: For The New Players.

Day 1,503, 17:07 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

I was browsing the articles in my comments last night and came across these questions from Mudkip McMudkip, I answered them in the comment section then realised that because he is so young, his questions deserved more than a simple response at the bottom of an article not many people will read. So this article is for the new players. I hope I clarify my position and provide a little insight.

The Article in Question

Mudkip McMudkip: As a new player (21 days) I have some questions and comments about your article.

Why does the reinstatement of a previous group of old players to some sort of former glory appeal to new players?

What does the reinstatement of the Dropbears achieve that is not currently being provided by the ADF?

The reality of eRep is that if you and I both train every day I will never be as strong as you. Either I will never be able to join the Dropbears or the requirements to join will be so watered down that they will no longer be this mystical force you describe.

I don't think the reinstatement of the Dropbears would achieve anything in regards to encouraging new players - I think this time would be better spent actually helping and encouraging new players.

What does ST6 provide a Larni-led eAus that would be unavailable to a srg91-led eAus (to use an example)?

I read a lot of words about being tough and talking tough and not backing down but what exactly are you going to do in regards to eIndonesia? Are you going to maintain the status quo? If so what exactly is the point of acting tough?

You said that in regards to peace with eIndonesia "the price is a free Aus". Will you return SA and WA to eAus control? If so, how?

Losing players
I don't think that your analysis "At the moment it seems that the deal with eIndo and the slave nature of eAus existence is a lot to blame." is correct - I feel as if you are projecting your own dissatisfaction with the current state of events onto others.

"Why does the reinstatement of a previous group of old players to some sort of former glory appeal to new players?"

Dropbears will not be a special division, squads will not change, they will simply be a level for new players to aspire to. When I joined 2 years ago, the Dropbears were awesome, they represented us on the world stage and turned many lost battles. As an inspiration they are unreplaceable. Members who do a certain amount of damage (unknown at this time) will become Dropbears and lead by example. they will inspire our people to keep training, to keep fighting, all the while they will remain in their respective ADF squads to encourage new players to put in the hard yards.

In essence it is simply a name tagged onto people. There are no great sweeping changes in the ADF, but when the call for Dropbears go out, even past Dropbears, no longer reside in eAus answer the call (as proven a few months ago) It is an institution that is rooted deep in the heart of many of our players.

"What does ST6 provide a Larni-led eAus that would be unavailable to a srg91-led eAus (to use an example)?"

Direct contact, though srg has attempted to counter this by making Binda his dCP. In truth it would make no difference to ST6 who was CP, I am sure Binda may have called them into help eAus in the past.

I have access to a lot of other resources and direct contact with many MoD's, CP's and former high level officials in Gov across the globe. These people know and respect me, something I can not say for srg who neglect this last month has done nothing to bolster our image on the world stage.


eIndo know me and are well aware what I am capable of (total RW of all eAus states in 24hrs, Three pronged attack that made Java burn (yes obviously others were involved)) and they respect me as a warrior.
The deal I would offer eIndo is to continue the peace with one condition, they release all of our states and basically GTFO.

At the moment eIndo have their hands full with china, there would never be a more perfect time for a strong stand yet our Gov refuses to act. Instead they do not want to upset eIndo, that is not the eAustralian way, we have not spent so long fighting to simply be humbled into submission.

Will you return SA and WA to eAus control? If so, how?
I will ask nicely, then I will ask sternly. I am not interested in anything other than a deal that sees eAus free. They do not want to fight us anymore, the peace deal only came about because they were spending too much money fighting us. If eIndo say no, I will simply RW the states back and force their hand.

"Losing players
I feel as if you are projecting your own dissatisfaction with the current state of events onto others."

Probably an equally true assessment but in 2 years I have never seen so many people ashamed to be eAus. Even in our weakest hour, when totally wiped or Politically Taken Over by eIndo we stood on the world stage, proud and true to our nature. That has not happened these past two months, we have turned our back on allies, even allowed eIndo to block a Brazil attack by releasing WA back to us... We risk sinking deeper unless something is done to put a stop to it.

The new player issue is one I will put a lot of work into, While political parties do their own recruiting the Gov seems to release a cliche article every week or so and actually think that is helping. I am not sure where the fix is but you (Mudkip) as a new player would be perfect to help sort out what is lacking. There are a few things in the works that I plan on giving funding too but you may have a new perspective on the matter that helps fine tune the programs.

Second Roun😛
1.If we were to liberate SA and WA from eIndo while they were fighting eChina, what would be your strategy to keep those regions? Would you, for example, pursue a friendlier relationship with eChina with the intent of obtaining an agreement for eChina support in any war against eIndo?

2.Are the Dropbears no longer fighting for Australia?

3.If you were to not win CP would it be possible for you to still use your diplomatic contacts to benefit eAus (assuming the elected CP accepted your assistance)?


1.Short answer yes, presently both states are in our hands and our Gov is looking to strike a deal to hand them back to eIndo. That is not a deal I would make. I would make it clear that declaring eAus as a Natural Enemy in an attempt to retain the states (which they would have to do regardless if the Aus Gov releases the states) would be considered an act of war and is not acceptable until our own senate, through the will of the people, vote on the issue.
I am not a warmonger as people claim, I let the will of the people decide the fate for the nation. Senate are our elected officials, it is not the place of one person as a CP to make judgements that effect eAus so strongly. That is a Senate decision.

Our friendship with eChina equals our relationship with eUSA, they are the strongest supports for our freedom and independence. They are our Bro’s, as proven in Java the Gov itself cannot prevent eAus citizens fighting for their mates, nor should it.

2. The Dropbears are scattered around the globe, but always respond when the call is made. Some remain in the ADF but it is not clearly known who these people are. Using myself as an example, I do 2500 bare handed in battles, and have a National Force** ranking . As a member of the ADF I am a Pvt class 3 (or something) so the members of the squad actually have no idea of the impact I can put into a battle,(I am relatively weak compared to others.) I believe that by having Dropbears amongst the squads we can make a positive difference, I would not simply be a PvT3 commenting, but someone who also has knowledge and experience. Cause there is no actual change to the ADF set up, I think this can only be a positive.

3. I have always answered when called and even when not I have arranged for a few million to be dropped on battle for us. I am not alone in that however, there are a few people who actively do that behind the scenes. My advantage is simply that I know CP’s and MoD’s (Ministers of Defense) and high ranking Gov officials. Instead of getting a few dozen soldiers helping, with the right planning I can (and have) had entire armies fighting on our behalf.

That is not a common event, granted, and takes a lot of planning to pull off but that is what makes eIndo nervous about my CP run. I will leave you with this quote from eIndo, taken over a year ago:

Kepada para pemimpin eBangsa kita

Beberapa hari ini di eAus terjadi sebuah hal yang mengejutkan. Larni Kaddlestorm, orang yang paling berpengaruh dalam perebutan tanah Australia dari tangan kita, bertengkar dengan pemerintahnya sendiri. Penyebabnya simpel, tuntutan tuntutan dia tidak dipenuhi oleh perdana menteri nya. Mengingat ia berhasil menyatukan Eden melawan kita, menurut saya, saat inilah saat terbaik kita menyerang, selagi Karni dan Dropbears nya sedang berkonflik dengan pemerintahnya, selagi eAussie terpecah seperti ini. Serang kembali eAussie sebelum Karni maju sebagai Perdana Menteri, karena melihat dari situasi politik eAussie, kemungkinan besar akan terjadi revolusi yang menempatkan dia dalam pemerintahan, dan ketika ini terjadi, eAussie mempunyai kans untuk dibantu oleh Eden. Dan kita tahu, kalau ini terjadi, maka bakal jauh lebih sulit untuk merebut kembali eAussie.

Semoga Bermanfaat

*****************************Translation is as follows*********************************

To the leaders of our eBangsa

Some of today in eAus happens a surprising thing. Larni Kaddlestorm, the most influential people in the struggle for land in Australia from our hands, arguing with their own government. The reason is simple, he claims demands are not met by his prime minister. Considering he managed to unite Eden against us, in my opinion, this is the best time we attack, while Karni and his Dropbears being in conflict with his government, while eAussie divided like this. Attack again eAussie before Karni forward as Prime Minister, because the view of the political situation eAussie, most likely will be a revolution that put him in the government, and when this happens, eAussie have a chance to be assisted by Eden. And we know, if this happens, it would be far more difficult to regain eAussie.

Hopefully Helpful


You can read into that what you will, but eIndo know who I am, even now their high level players talk to me with respect. That respect will translate over the negotiation table. I will not be meeting them as a defeatist, THEY will be meeting with me.

Anyway hope I clarified a few issues for the new players.