The Brave and Strong Cabinet Application Thingy....

Day 1,503, 23:01 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

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So it is official: The President of KnightHawks Military Council has decided to support you for the next country Presidential elections.

I am now an official contender in the upcoming CP elections. As such I need to give thought to creating a cabinet to see us through the next month. With this in mind I have decided to mix things up a little and try something from left field.

I want new players to apply to become the actual Ministers, Finance, Defence, Foreign Affairs, New Player Relations, Minister of the Rainbow Pony Stable, whatever. By new I mean, not those who are constantly circulated in cabinet positions, and certainly no long timers.

For experienced players I am looking for advisors, those who can give a guiding hand if any of the ministers get stuck, this would be a minimal position but totally essential to the success of the month.

For example I would like to give P.J.Keating a shot as MoF, he has the brains for it though will be lacking a little game knowledge, its easy to pick up. As his advisor I would like to have Venja, is there a more experienced MoF in eAus?

There is also my new friend, and the constant questioner Mudkip McMudkip, barely 22 days old how can there be someone more qualified to head the New Player Relations? He knows exactly what new players need, what new players are looking for, give him the support of an experienced advisor and I believe he can do wonders.

MoFA is also something where new players, unencumbered with past history or bias, are likely to shine, with an advisor like Tim Holtz (the MoFA man) the experience gained will benefit eAus future.

Please note I have not spoken to these people I am simply providing an example of the sort of cabinet I am looking to create. I will accept older players of course, there are some who spent 1 month in cabinet a year ago, to me they remain fresh and not at all conditioned to the tail chasing of highly experienced politicians too stuck in their own methods to change.
Please feel free to ask questions, send me messages of nominations or enquiries.