The Bottom Line of the eUK - New Players Look Here

Day 337, 12:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds


So, for those of you who have graced us, the Erepublik vets with your presence, you may feel rather overwhelmed in the first few days you come into our world. I'd like to say welcome, and that we must all remember:

This is now your world, too.

This is not ours to hog, asking only for your input where we choose, but yours to offer it wherever you feel it is useful (or otherwise). It is your to take advantage of, use to an advantage, whether it be for the UK or yourself. Preferably for the UK, of course, but overall self confidence comes from being successful, and we've got a variety of ways to do so.

So, without further ado, the things you can do in the eUK.


So, generally, for beginners there are a few steps to follow. The first is, of course, getting to know the layout of our newest interface, which we love to call V "Negative" One. It is new to most of us as well, but some learn quicker than others.

At the top of the screen, you'll see several options. The first I'd choose is the Human Resource Section, or "Company" under "My Places". It will give you direction on how to find a job. You can then filter by which field you choose to work in, and see who's offering jobs and for what pay per day. From there, point and click, and Presto! you have a job.

The media section, the way we all advertise is also available. It now costs 2 Gold to create a newspaper, so it's an investment you'll have to think about. If you intend on writing things that are positive towards society, your feelings in general, or anything Erepublik related, then I'd recommend it. It gives you a voice to be heard, and is one of the many things you can do to make yourself known. Good writers are hard to find, so when we do, we all try to pay attention.

National Forums

One of the many ways the UK is the best country in the world, in my humble opinion, are the popularity and design of our National Forums. Envied throughout Erepublik, the Admin team comprised of Nelsaidi, Ip Lockard, Malchert, and Shadowukcs has given us a way to communicate to each other. Since we do not have private forums in Erepublik itself, it's vital to the design and setup of the UK Government, it's Congress (or commonly referred to in house by the domestic name, House of Commons or HoC), and it's overall setup between Politics, Economics, and so on. In order to effectively communicate to the UK, it's vital to be registered there.

So that should be step two!

Governmental Infrastructure

In the UK we have one of the most inclusive Governmental setups in all of Erepublik. We do our best to allow everyone to get involved, making our community tighter and close-knit. We like to have fun, but we also want to be the best, too. We try to put the people who can accomplish the most in the spots they can excel in.

Currently our President (or, once again if you prefer a more National term our Prime Minister) is Rayf Drayson. Rayf is the youngest PM we've ever had, if you don't include the first, who was elected shortly after the eUK was established as a Nation. He hails from the UKRP, the largest political party in the UK, with members from all over the political spectrum. JerryGFL, our Vice President also hails from the UKRP.

Our Minister of Defence is Deilos. This is Deilos' first term as MoD, but he has former 4 term MoD Widdows9000 as his UnderSecretary. They both hail from the PCP as far as politics is concerned, but are both very skilled and knowledgeable in their fields.

Our Minister of Finance is Bremer, who is on his 4th term as well. The Minister of Finance runs the Bank Of England, our National Bank. It's his job to regulate the currency in the UK to maintain the levels deemed proper by the House of Commons.

The Minister of Trade is, well, yours truly, Dishmcds. I am originally from the eUS, served 7 months in Government there, and came to the UK once completed. I turned to the UKRP, where I had several friends at, and have been the Minister of Trade for two months now, under both a PCP President and UKRP President. It's the job of the Minister of Trade to engineer trade opportunities for the UK, ranging from single exporting situations to mass agreements on exports and imports. We also coordinate the exchange of money and monitor the domestic and international markets for opportunities abroad and flaws at home. We currently have 4 apprentices who are studying the MoT position to learn what it entails.

The Minister of Information is a rather detailed position run by our Hassan Pesaran. Hassan hails from the TUP, and has done a fantastic job, as his job is as tedious as anyones. His office is the one responsible for making sure the citizens of the UK are informed, from things regarding to Congressional matters and legislation to making sure well written articles are heard by as many people as possible.

The Minister of Education, our newest position, is still somewhat under construction. It is under the capable and steady leadership of Stan Wephen, former Mayor of London and PCP member, and they are busy writing curriculum and exams as we speak. They have the daunting task of educating people regarding our history, our Government, the economy, and so on! Make sure, if you havent already and are capable of doing so, to do your part, as they need your help!

The Minister of Minorities, RonaldChris, has the duties to stay in touch with our Minority population (Belgian and Lithuanian) to make sure that we, as a country are treating them fairly and as any other citizen. Back when Belgium and the UK merged, this was one of the main sticking points that no citizen would be treated any different, and the MoM is the one to take care of that!


Interested in getting more involved in the Economic side of the UK? Well, here's a small rundown on how the society is arranged.

Our minimum wage as a country is 1 GBP. That may not sound like a lot when you first hear it. But think about the way we currently keep our money valued.

If one piece of Q2 food costs less than 1 GBP, that means with starting wages you can afford to work and train without fearing your loss of wellness. Combine that with our world reknown gifting system (now known as the National Healthcare Service, which is the new face with V1), and you're looking at a machine set up to not only encourage you to be active and grow within our population, but to better yourself as a worker, soldier, and person. We're flat out asking you for your opinion. Not only that, but we'll actually use it. Tell me the last actual Government who did that?

So, we've established minimum wage, now we're going to explain what the value of the pound actually means.

The pound's value is based on a couple of different factors. Those range from how much is in constant circulation to the scarcity of Gold and/or local currency. It's then measured between countries to see who has the strongest and weakest money, which is then used to determine which countries are ripe of the import or export trade for goods. We value our currency currently around .035, which is up over the last few days. Normally we have been trying to keep it at .03, which is medium to most countries. Some are weaker, some are stronger. The benefits to where we are at are that we can keep our goods priced low with the General Managers still making money, but we can still export goods to countries with stronger currencies than ours and make profit.

So it's somewhat doubly good, you can say.

You can become a GM for 20 G, and choose which field you want to be in. You have finished industries which are Housing, Weapons, Food, Gifts, Moving Tickets, Hospitals, and Defence Systems, or Raw Materials which consist of Iron, Wood, Diamonds, Grain, and Oil.

You can also gamble your money on the money market, which is the purchase and exchange of monies from currency to currency. The most common is from your own local currency, in our case the pound, to Gold, and back. If you can figure out the market tendencies and mechanical function, then it can be profitable, but just as gambling, if you can't afford to lose that money then don't play with it.


On the military end of Erepublik, things are going through a build up. In the UK we have a few different levels of soldier.

Out lowest level of registered soldier is strength 3, which is our Reserves. They are commanded by Eadie, who has Sgts and Majors underneath him to serve as a beacon of pride in organization.

The next step is the Paratroopers, which are strength requirement of 4. They are the pride and joy of the UK military, participating in many wars around the globe. To join the Paratroopers, you would message Big Boy Bulley, the CO, and cannot be tied down to any country with Political or Economic ties. This means you cannot be in the House of Commons if you wish to become a Para, so choose your path wisely.

Our MoD (and his UMoD Widdows) are very experienced in war tactics and procedure, and are reknown for their abilities to swing the tides of war to our favor. We have helped the "little guy" and ally alike, fighting for freedom everywhere.


So, what are you waiting for? We want to hear what you have to say. Tired of RL politics, structure, and just the basic every day drag on life? Then welcome to the New World. OUR new world, where we control everything, from the set up of the Government to the military and who we decide to be allies with. This has no meaning or tie to RL at all, and we like to keep it that way. With your help, a little input, and the realization that this requires a bit of work to keep up with the Jones'es, we can all do it together.

We are the eUK, and we aim to be the best.

At everything.


Ministry of Education looking for Testers/Contributors. Contact Stan Wephen, the MoE
Aurum companies Hiring: Golden Grains, Aurum Healthcare
Ministry of Information looking for an Apprentice or twenty. Contact Hassan Pesaran, MoI