The ARP Calls for you!

Day 1,920, 19:37 Published in Australia USA by irule777

The Australian Revolutionary Party (ARP) is currently the second largest party in eAustralia, has the second most members of congress, is actively involved in the community and is inviting you to come join us!

The ARP is big on democracy and making every member’s voice count. Our Country President and Congress nominees are all selected democratically and we always give each of our members a chance at a seat. To us, each of our members is equal and important and we’re always open to what you have to say. Be it from forum debates on policy, to candidates, to discussions and article reviewing, the ARP is an active and enjoyable party.

One of the biggest challenges in eRepublik is getting started as a noob, and you’ll find that the ARP is one of the best parties to make your start in. The ARP takes great steps towards offering more jobs, abilities and opportunities for it’s newer members as well as for the experienced. We take pride in our ability and ethic to assist any newer player or anyone who needs help. You’ll find that when we do congressional elections or party cabinet selections, being new is an asset and will help you to get selected. After all, you can never learn congress very well if you aren’t there. And we’re willing to help you every step of the way.

Why else should you join? Become part of a group of people who are happy to debate policies, ideas and possible solutions to economic, political and defense problems in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. Our members are always happy to give their inputs on your ideas and assist you in improving and refining them in any way possible.

Looking for a fun, interesting and active party? Become a revolutionist. Join the Australian Revolutionary Party!

IRC room: #TheRevolution

~Irule777, Party President of the Australian Revolutionary Party