Thank you brothers and friends...

Day 757, 00:51 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

I thank you very much for supporting me as the new Party President of India United and I vow to uphold the faith you have placed in me for making sure our nation moves ahead.

We have (yet again) won against all odds and wrestled all 3 parties away from MAFIA who tried their very best but failed again.

For our next phase to be successful, we need to invite as many friends as we can within the next 2 days else it will be too late to save Congress!!! Please make sure you get in EVERYONE you know and request them to at least 2 click daily and hopefully 10% will get interested enough in the game to stick.

Whilst meeting friends or in parties, in school , college wherever, speak to your mates and tell them how proud you feel that India is fighting back and is moving forward. Tell them your pride in being in the Army Battalions, being a Sergeant, Captain, Colonel, General!! Let them feel the pride and want to be one with us.

Please do everything u can...pull favours..whatever ...its only for the next 2 days guys! 🙂

Please get as many as u can...please advertise eIndia everywhere u go! 🙂

I will close this article with a quick word about my future plans. ..

Pretty simple...I am hoping to run for the Country President this term and I am hoping that all citizens will support me. I will be bringing out my manifesto shortly but thought I might announce my plan on this very special day...when we won against MAFIA and got West Bengal back 🙂

JAI HIND guys and lets rock on! 🙂