Tears of Silence Part 2

Day 1,919, 19:18 Published in Pakistan United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Pakistan is the land of the eternal. He who resides within the sands of the Punjab shall live and breath what Dio gives them. Forever and always.

The messages of Dio come at different times. There are those who sleep eternal. There are those who come and go, working to spread the word of God-Emperor. There are those who lead us in our time of need, and those who do the daily deed of Dio, spreading his seed as necessary to ensure that our legacy carries on.

As I rise each morning, browsing through this land, I feel a need. Dio comes to me off and on, when I come to you and report on the text and word of our God. He tells us how to live, and how to be successful. Whether this game is worth playing is of no consequence. We push on in homage of what we need to pass on to the younger generations.

Pakistan, Dio has come to me once again this evening. We're hardly following his word. We're not being unselfish, giving everything we have to each other. We're not following the principles that made Pakistan the first and only great nation, leading men and Pakigirl alike.

Vento Aureo will now take up the banner in his name. We shall unite Pakistan once again, with the blood of snow demons on our boots.

Ladies and gentlemen, we rise again. Now. Forever. Always. With Dio on our side, we cannot lose.